

class NNTrainer[source]

Class for neural-networks training.

static split_dataset(dataset, test_frac)[source]

Split dataset into test and train.

train_model(model, dataset, n_epoch=1, lr=0.001, parameters_to_optimize=None, loss_pattern=None, log_every=None, evaluate_every=None, test_frac=0, dump_best_parameters=None, optimizer=<class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, scheduler=functools.partial(<class 'torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR'>, lr_lambda=<function lr_lambda>), **kwargs)[source]

Train model on the given dataset.

  • model (BaseModel) – Model to train.

  • dataset (FieldDataset) – Dataset to use.

  • n_epoch (int) – Number of iterations through the dataset.

  • lr (float) – Learning rate.

  • parameters_to_optimize (None or tuple of model's parameters) – Will optimize loss over this set of parameters. If None, will over optimize all parameters.

  • loss_pattern (tuple or Any) – For more info see losses.standardize_loss_pattern.

  • log_every (int or None) – Print logs at each log_every iteration. If None, do not print logs.

  • evaluate_every (int or None) – Evaluate model on test dataset each evaluate_every iteration. If None, evaluations are not used.

  • test_frac (float) – Fraction of scenarios put into the test dataset.

  • dump_best_parameters (str or None) – Path to dump best model (on test set). Dumps can be made at each evaluation iteration. If None, do not dump model automatically.

  • optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer) – Optimizer to use. Default: torch.optim.Adam

  • scheduler (torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler) – Scheduler to use. Default: torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR

  • kwargs (dict) – Any additional named arguments for model’s forward pass.


  • model – Trained model.

  • train_loss_legend (list) – Training loss legend.

  • test_loss_legend (list) – Evaluation loss legend.


class L2Loss[source]

Class for L2 loss calculation.


Tools for fast custom module creation.

sequential_factory(n, conv_module, in_ch, ch, *args, use_norm=True, use_nonlin=True, residual_connections=(), wrappers=(<class 'deepfield.metamodelling.custom_blocks.wrappers.MultiInputSequential'>, <class 'deepfield.metamodelling.custom_blocks.wrappers.TimeInvariantWrapper'>), **kwargs)[source]

Helper for creation of sequential modules. Module is constructed based on the chosen conv_module.

  • n (int) – Number of conv_modules to stack.

  • conv_module (nn.Module) – Base module from which sequential is constructed.

  • in_ch (int) – Number of input channels in the resulting sequential.

  • ch (int, list) – Number of output channels in each of conv_module`s. If `int is passed, will use similar number of output channels across the modules. If list is passed, use it’s entries. List should have length n.

  • args (tuple) – Any additional args passed to the constructor of `conv_module’ Each arg should be either list or any. If arg is not a list, use similar values across modules.

  • use_norm (bool, nn.Module) – If bool, marks the need of using normalization between modules (before the nonlin). If nn.Module, uses this module as a normalization. Default: True

  • use_nonlin (bool, nn.Module) – If bool, marks the need of using nonlinearity between modules. If nn.Module, uses this module as a nonlinearity. Default: True

  • residual_connections (tuple) – Tuple of pairs. Each pair marks which layers should be connected. If pair (i, j) is given, connects the input of i-th layer and the output of j-th layer. Pairs should not cross each other. Default: ()

  • wrappers (tuple, list) – List of wrappers, which will be used after constructing the composing modules. Order matters. Default: (MultiInputSequential, TimeInvariantWrapper)

  • kwargs (dict) – Any additional named args passed to the constructor of `conv_module’ Each kwarg value should be either list or any. If value is not a list, use similar values across modules.


out – Composed modules, possibly with applied norm, nonlin, wrappers.

Return type

list, nn.Module


Miscellaneous utils.

class LinearInterpolator(points, values, at_bounds='linear')[source]

Piecewise linear interpolator.

find_best_match_indices(search_for, search_in, less_or_equal=False, greater_or_equal=False)[source]

For each element of search_for, find the index of closest element in search_in.

  • search_for (torch.tensor) –

  • search_in (torch.tensor) –

  • less_or_equal (bool) – If True, searches for an element which is less or equal than the reference from search_for

  • greater_or_equal (bool) – If True, searches for an element which is greater or equal than the reference from search_for


indices – Shape: search_for.shape If the required neighbour was not found, -1 value is used instead of true indices.

Return type



Get device on which model in situated.


model (nn.Module) –



Return type



Calculate number of trainable parameters in the module.


module (nn.Module) –


n – Number of parameters

Return type


lr_lambda(epoch, base=0.99, exponent=0.05)[source]

Multiplier used for learning rate scheduling.



Return type
