Source code for deepfield.metamodelling.factories

"""Tools for fast custom module creation."""
import numpy as np
from torch import nn

from .custom_blocks import norm, nonlinearity, ResidualBlock, MultiInputSequential, TimeInvariantWrapper

[docs]def sequential_factory(n, conv_module, in_ch, ch, *args, use_norm=True, use_nonlin=True, residual_connections=(), wrappers=(MultiInputSequential, TimeInvariantWrapper), **kwargs): """Helper for creation of sequential modules. Module is constructed based on the chosen `conv_module`. Parameters ---------- n: int Number of conv_modules to stack. conv_module: nn.Module Base module from which sequential is constructed. in_ch: int Number of input channels in the resulting sequential. ch: int, list Number of output channels in each of `conv_module`s. If `int` is passed, will use similar number of output channels across the modules. If `list` is passed, use it's entries. List should have length n. args: tuple Any additional args passed to the constructor of `conv_module' Each arg should be either list or any. If arg is not a list, use similar values across modules. use_norm: bool, nn.Module If bool, marks the need of using normalization between modules (before the nonlin). If nn.Module, uses this module as a normalization. Default: True use_nonlin: bool, nn.Module If bool, marks the need of using nonlinearity between modules. If nn.Module, uses this module as a nonlinearity. Default: True residual_connections: tuple Tuple of pairs. Each pair marks which layers should be connected. If pair (i, j) is given, connects the input of i-th layer and the output of j-th layer. Pairs should not cross each other. Default: () wrappers: tuple, list List of wrappers, which will be used after constructing the composing modules. Order matters. Default: (MultiInputSequential, TimeInvariantWrapper) kwargs: dict Any additional named args passed to the constructor of `conv_module' Each kwarg value should be either list or any. If value is not a list, use similar values across modules. Returns ------- out: list, nn.Module Composed modules, possibly with applied norm, nonlin, wrappers. """ ch = [in_ch] + _to_list(ch, n) args = tuple(_to_list(arg, n) for arg in args) kwargs = {key: _to_list(arg, n) for key, arg in kwargs.items()} layers = _compose_layers(conv_module, ch, *args, use_norm=use_norm, use_nonlin=use_nonlin, **kwargs) layers = _wrap_residuals(layers, residual_connections, bool(use_norm), bool(use_nonlin)) return _wrap(layers, wrappers)
def _to_list(x, n): """Converts x into list by repeating it n times. If x is already a list and it has length n, returns x. Else, if x is a list and has different length, raises ValueError.""" if isinstance(x, list): if len(x) != n: raise ValueError( '''If list is passed, it should have len(x) == n. Found: n = %d, len(x) = %d''' % (n, len(x)) ) return x return [x] * n def _wrap(module, wrappers): """Wraps the module with given wrappers. Order is important.""" for wrapper in wrappers: if wrapper in (nn.Sequential, MultiInputSequential): module = wrapper(*module) else: module = wrapper(module) return module def _wrap_residuals(layers, residual_connections, use_norm, use_nonlin): """Connects chosen layers with skip connections. Parameters ---------- layers: list List of layers. residual_connections: tuple Tuple of pairs. Each pair marks which layers should be connected. If pair (i, j) is given, connects the input of i-th layer and the output of j-th layer. Pairs should not cross each other. use_norm: bool use_nonlin: bool Returns ------- wrapped_layers: list """ n_other = int(use_norm) + int(use_nonlin) residual_connections = np.array(residual_connections) # Reindex modules with regard to use_norm and use_nonlin residual_connections += residual_connections * n_other while residual_connections.shape[0]: link, residual_connections = _pop_innermost_residual(residual_connections) res_block = ResidualBlock( MultiInputSequential(*layers[link[0]: link[1] + 1]) ) layers = layers[:link[0]] + [res_block] + layers[link[1] + 1 + n_other:] # Reindex modules with respect to changed block residual_connections[link[1] + 1:] -= link[1] - link[0] + n_other return layers def _pop_innermost_residual(residual_connections): """Pops one residual pair from a list of pairs. If pair are embeded, return innermost one, else the last one. Parameters ---------- residual_connections: np.array List of residual pairs in the array-like form. Shape: [n_pairs, 2] Returns ------- poped_pair: np.array Shape: [2, ] remaining_pairs: np.array Shape: [n_pairs-1, 2] """ start_ind = residual_connections[:, 0] == np.max(residual_connections[:, 0]) end_ind = residual_connections[:, 1] == np.min(residual_connections[start_ind, 1]) link_ind = np.nonzero(np.all([start_ind, end_ind], axis=0))[0][0] link = residual_connections[link_ind] residual_connections = np.vstack([residual_connections[:link_ind], residual_connections[link_ind + 1:]]) return link, residual_connections def _compose_layers(conv_module, ch, *args, use_norm=True, use_nonlin=True, **kwargs): """Compose list of layers, based on ch and additional args and kwargs.""" norm_layer = norm if isinstance(use_norm, bool) else use_norm nonlin_layer = nonlinearity if isinstance(use_nonlin, bool) else use_nonlin in_ch = ch.pop(0) layers = [] while ch: if layers: if use_norm: layers.append(norm_layer(in_ch)) if use_nonlin: layers.append(nonlin_layer()) layer_args = tuple(arg[0] for arg in args) args = tuple(arg[1:] for arg in args) layer_kwargs = {key: arg[0] for key, arg in kwargs.items()} kwargs = {key: arg[1:] for key, arg in kwargs.items()} layers.append(conv_module(in_ch, ch[0], *layer_args, **layer_kwargs)) in_ch = ch.pop(0) return layers