Source code for deepfield.metamodelling.utils

"""Miscellaneous utils."""
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn

[docs]class LinearInterpolator(nn.Module): """Piecewise linear interpolator.""" def __init__(self, points, values, at_bounds='linear'): super().__init__() if points.shape[0] != values.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Number of points and values should be equal!') if points.shape[0] == 1: raise ValueError('Minimum of two points is required.') if points.ndim > 1: raise ValueError('Interpolation is possible only for 1-d points.') self.points, sorted_indices = torch.sort(points) self.values = values[sorted_indices] self.at_bounds = at_bounds def __call__(self, x): points, values = self._add_bounds(x) i0 = find_best_match_indices(x.squeeze(), points.squeeze(), less_or_equal=True) i1 = find_best_match_indices(x.squeeze(), points.squeeze(), greater_or_equal=True) x0, y0 = points[i0], values[i0] x1, y1 = points[i1], values[i1] return self._linear_interpolate(x, x0, x1, y0, y1) def _add_bounds(self, x): max_x = torch.max(x) max_x = max_x if max_x > self.points[-1] else None min_x = torch.min(x) min_x = min_x if min_x < self.points[0] else None if self.at_bounds in ('linear', 'constant'): return self._add_linear_or_constant_bounds(min_x, max_x) if self.at_bounds == 'error': raise ValueError('Some of the points to be interpolated are outside of the interpolation set.') raise ValueError('Unknown behavior at bounds specified: "%s"' % self.at_bounds) def _add_linear_or_constant_bounds(self, min_x, max_x): if min_x is None and max_x is None: return self.points, self.values new_points, new_values = [], [] if min_x is not None: new_points.append(min_x) if self.at_bounds == 'constant': new_values.append(self.values[0]) else: new_values.append( self._linear_interpolate(min_x, self.points[0], self.points[1], self.values[0], self.values[1]) ) if max_x is not None: new_points.append(max_x) if self.at_bounds == 'constant': new_values.append(self.values[-1]) else: new_values.append( self._linear_interpolate(max_x, self.points[-2], self.points[-1], self.values[-2], self.values[-1]) ) new_points = [i.unsqueeze(0) for i in new_points] new_values = [i.unsqueeze(0) for i in new_values] return[self.points] + new_points),[self.values] + new_values) @staticmethod def _linear_interpolate(x, x0, x1, y0, y1): delta = x1 - x0 is_degenerate = delta == 0 not_degenerate = torch.logical_not(is_degenerate) delta = delta.clone() * not_degenerate + is_degenerate non_degenerate_y = y0 + ((y1 - y0).T * (x - x0) / delta).T y = (y0.T * is_degenerate + non_degenerate_y.T * not_degenerate).T return y
[docs]def get_model_device(model): """Get device on which model in situated. Parameters ---------- model: nn.Module Returns ------- device: torch.device """ return model.parameters().__next__().device
[docs]def get_number_of_params(module): """Calculate number of trainable parameters in the module. Parameters ---------- module: nn.Module Returns ------- n: int Number of parameters """ parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, module.parameters()) return np.sum([ for p in parameters],
[docs]def lr_lambda(epoch, base=0.99, exponent=0.05): """Multiplier used for learning rate scheduling. Parameters ---------- epoch: int base: float exponent: float Returns ------- multiplier: float """ return base ** (exponent * epoch)
[docs]def find_best_match_indices(search_for, search_in, less_or_equal=False, greater_or_equal=False): """For each element of `search_for`, find the index of closest element in `search_in`. Parameters ---------- search_for: torch.tensor search_in: torch.tensor less_or_equal: bool If True, searches for an element which is less or equal than the reference from `search_for` greater_or_equal: bool If True, searches for an element which is greater or equal than the reference from `search_for` Returns ------- indices: torch.Tensor Shape: `search_for.shape` If the required neighbour was not found, -1 value is used instead of true indices. """ assert search_for.ndim <= 1, "search_for should be a scalar or 1D tensor." assert search_in.ndim == 1, "search_in should be a 1D tensor." diff = search_for.float().view(-1, 1) - search_in.float().view(1, -1) if less_or_equal: diff[diff < 0] = torch.tensor(float('inf')).to(search_in.device) # pylint: disable=not-callable if greater_or_equal: diff[diff > 0] = torch.tensor(float('inf')).to(search_in.device) # pylint: disable=not-callable diff = torch.abs(diff) res = torch.argmin(diff, dim=1) if less_or_equal or greater_or_equal: res[torch.all(diff == float('inf'), dim=1)] = -1 return res if search_for.ndim else res.squeeze()