Source code for deepfield.metamodelling.dynamics.latent_space_dynamics

"""Latent space dynamics."""
#pylint: disable=wrong-import-order,wrong-import-position
import sys
import torch

sys.path.insert(0, '..')
from ...field.utils import get_control_interval_mask

from .._base_nn_model import BaseModel
from ..losses import standardize_loss_pattern
from ..utils import get_model_device

[docs]class LatentSpaceDynamics(BaseModel): """Module for modelling dynamics in a learnable latent space.""" _attrs = ('states', 'rock', 'control', ('masks', 'control_t'), ('masks', 'time')) _ae_kwargs = ('use_checkpointing', 'max_in_batch') def __init__(self, state_enc, state_dec, params_enc, control_enc, dynamics): """ Parameters ---------- state_enc: nn.Module Encoder module for states. state_dec: nn.Module Decoder module for states. params_enc: nn.Module Encoder module for rock (other parameters will be added later). control_enc: nn.Module Encoder module for control (transformed to the spatial form). dynamics: nn.Module Module, which computes the derivative of states over time, given params and instantaneous control. """ super().__init__() self.state_enc = state_enc self.state_dec = state_dec self.params_enc = params_enc self.control_enc = control_enc self.dynamics = dynamics
[docs] def forward(self, init_state, params, control, control_t, t, *args, get_latent_states=False, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- init_state: torch.Tensor Initial state. Shape: (B, C_s, *dims) params: torch.Tensor Params tensor (rock mostly). Shape: (B, C_p, *dims) control: torch.Tensor Spatial control tensor. Shape: (B, T_c, C_c, *dims) control_t: torch.Tensor Tensor holding a sequence of time points for which control is given. Each time must be strictly larger than the previous time. Shape: (B, T_c) t: torch.Tensor Tensor holding a sequence of time points for which to solve for states. The initial time point (i.e. time point of the init_state) should be the first element of this sequence, and each time must be strictly larger than the previous time. Shape: (B, T) args: tuple Any additional args passed to the encoders, decoder and dynamics modules. get_latent_states: bool If True, return solutions in the latent space as a second argument. kwargs: dict Returns ------- solution: torch.Tensor Shape: (B, T, C_s, *dims) latent_solution: torch.Tensor Returned only if `get_latent_states=True`. Shape: (B, T, C_l, *latent_dims) """ ae_kwargs = self._parse_ae_kwargs(kwargs) assert torch.all(t - t[:1] == 0), "Solution timesteps should be equal for batch items." control, control_t = self.get_control_subset(control, control_t, (t[0, 0], t[0, -1])) device = next(self.parameters()).device control = encoded = self._encode(init_state, params, control, *args, **ae_kwargs) r_states = self._compute_dynamics(encoded, control_t, t, *args, **kwargs) decoded = self._decode(r_states, *args, **ae_kwargs) return (decoded, r_states) if get_latent_states else decoded
[docs] @staticmethod def get_control_subset(control, control_t, time_interval): """Returns a control subset that corresponds to the target result time interval.""" assert torch.all(control_t - control_t[:1] == 0), "Control timesteps should be equal for batch items." mask = get_control_interval_mask(control_t[0], time_interval) if not torch.any(mask): raise ValueError('No control found for time interval ({}, {}).' .format(time_interval[0], time_interval[1])) return control[:, mask], control_t[:, mask]
def _encode(self, init_state, params, control, *args, **kwargs): """Encode initial state, params and control.""" r_init_state = self.state_enc(init_state, *args, **kwargs) r_params = self.params_enc(params, *args, **kwargs) r_control = self.control_enc(control, *args, **kwargs) return r_init_state, r_params, r_control def _compute_dynamics(self, encoded, control_t, t, *args, **kwargs): """Compute latent space dynamics.""" r_states = self.dynamics(*encoded, control_t, t, *args, **kwargs) return r_states def _decode(self, r_states, *args, **kwargs): """Decode latent states.""" return self.state_dec(r_states, *args, **kwargs) def _parse_ae_kwargs(self, kwargs): """Filter kwargs which are not suitable for autoencoding modules.""" ae_kwargs = {} for key in kwargs: if key in self._ae_kwargs: ae_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] return ae_kwargs
[docs] def make_training_iter(self, sample, loss_pattern, latent_loss_pattern=(), autoencoder_loss_pattern=(), loss_between_differences=False, tbptt_step=None, tbptt_tail=None, tbptt_loss_between_steps=True, **kwargs): if (tbptt_step is not None and tbptt_tail is None) or (tbptt_step is None and tbptt_tail is not None): raise ValueError('If TBPTT is assumed to be used, both `k1` and `k2` should be specified.') if tbptt_step is None and tbptt_tail is None: return self._make_training_iter( sample, loss_pattern, latent_loss_pattern, autoencoder_loss_pattern, loss_between_differences, **kwargs ) return self._make_tbptt_training_iter( sample, loss_pattern, latent_loss_pattern, autoencoder_loss_pattern, loss_between_differences, tbptt_step, tbptt_tail, tbptt_loss_between_steps, **kwargs )
def _make_training_iter(self, sample, loss_pattern, latent_loss_pattern, autoencoder_loss_pattern, loss_between_differences, **kwargs): """Make one training iteration. Runs backward pass. Return loss of the prediction. Parameters ---------- sample: dict Sample from a dataset. Should contain 'states', 'control', 'rock', 'time' and all the required masks. loss_pattern: tuple Loss pattern between ground truth and predicted states. latent_loss_pattern: tuple Loss pattern between encoded ground truth states and predicted by dynamics latent space states. autoencoder_loss_pattern: tuple Loss pattern between ground truth states and encoded-decoded states. loss_between_differences: bool If True, losses are computed not between states, but rather between "gradients" (differences) of states. kwargs: dict Any additional named arguments passed to forward methods of composing modules. Returns ------- loss Detached loss. """ inp = self._get_attrs_from_sample(sample, *self._attrs) latent_loss_pattern = standardize_loss_pattern(latent_loss_pattern) autoencoder_loss_pattern = standardize_loss_pattern(autoencoder_loss_pattern) masks = self._get_masks_from_sample( sample, *list(set(pattern['mask'] for pattern in loss_pattern + latent_loss_pattern + autoencoder_loss_pattern)) ) out, r_states_dynamics = self(inp[0][:, 0], *inp[1:], get_latent_states=True, **kwargs) ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction(inp[0], out, loss_between_differences) loss = self._compute_loss(ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=loss_pattern, masks=masks) if latent_loss_pattern != () or autoencoder_loss_pattern != (): ae_kwargs = self._parse_ae_kwargs(kwargs) r_states_enc = self.state_enc(inp[0], *inp[4:], **ae_kwargs) if latent_loss_pattern != (): ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction( r_states_enc, r_states_dynamics, loss_between_differences ) loss += self._compute_loss(ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=latent_loss_pattern, masks=masks) if autoencoder_loss_pattern != (): states_dec = self.state_dec(r_states_enc, *inp[4:], **ae_kwargs) ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction(inp[0], states_dec, loss_between_differences) loss += self._compute_loss(ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=autoencoder_loss_pattern, masks=masks) loss.backward() return loss.detach() def _make_tbptt_training_iter(self, sample, loss_pattern, latent_loss_pattern, autoencoder_loss_pattern, loss_between_differences, tbptt_step, tbptt_tail, tbptt_loss_between_steps, **kwargs): if loss_between_differences: # TODO raise NotImplementedError('Loss between differences is not implemented for TBPTT.') args = self._get_attrs_from_sample(sample, *self._attrs, leave_attrs_device=self._attrs) states, rock, control, control_t, time = args[:5] #pylint:disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking args = args[5:] latent_loss_pattern = standardize_loss_pattern(latent_loss_pattern) autoencoder_loss_pattern = standardize_loss_pattern(autoencoder_loss_pattern) masks = self._get_masks_from_sample(sample, *[p['mask'] for p in loss_pattern]) latent_masks = self._get_masks_from_sample(sample, *[p['mask'] for p in latent_loss_pattern]) autoencoder_masks = self._get_masks_from_sample(sample, *[p['mask'] for p in autoencoder_loss_pattern]) device = get_model_device(self) ae_kwargs = self._parse_ae_kwargs(kwargs) s_i = states[:, 0].to(device) rs_i = self.state_enc(s_i, *args, **ae_kwargs) buffer = [(None, rs_i)] rock = targets = [] outputs = [] ae_outputs = [] latent_outputs = [] latent_targets = [] loss = 0. n_steps_total = control.shape[1] if not tbptt_loss_between_steps: n_steps_backward = n_steps_total // tbptt_step else: n_steps_backward = n_steps_total for i in range(n_steps_total): rs_i = buffer[-1][1].detach() rs_i.requires_grad = True t_i = time[:, i:i+2] c_i, ct_i = self.get_control_subset(control, control_t, (t_i[0, 0], t_i[0, -1])) c_i, ct_i =, rc_i = self.control_enc(c_i, *args, **ae_kwargs) t_i = # TODO it is possible to do graph savings in a better way # r_rock = self.params_enc(rock, *args, **ae_kwargs) next_rs = self._compute_dynamics((rs_i, r_rock, rc_i), ct_i, t_i, *args, **kwargs) next_rs = next_rs[:, 1] if loss_pattern or autoencoder_loss_pattern: targets.append(states[:, i+1].unsqueeze(1).to(device)) if loss_pattern: next_s = self._decode(next_rs, *args, **ae_kwargs) outputs.append(next_s.unsqueeze(1)) if autoencoder_loss_pattern or latent_loss_pattern: if targets: next_rs_ae = self.state_enc(targets[-1], *args, **ae_kwargs) else: next_rs_ae = self.state_enc(states[:, i+1].unsqueeze(1).to(device), *args, **ae_kwargs) if latent_loss_pattern: latent_targets.append(next_rs_ae) latent_outputs.append(next_rs.unsqueeze(1)) if autoencoder_loss_pattern: next_s_ae = self._decode(next_rs_ae, *args, **ae_kwargs) ae_outputs.append(next_s_ae) _adjust_args_length( targets, outputs, ae_outputs, latent_targets, latent_outputs, max_len=(tbptt_step if tbptt_loss_between_steps else 1) ) buffer.append((rs_i, next_rs)) _adjust_args_length(buffer, max_len=tbptt_tail) if (i + 1) % tbptt_step == 0: for j in range(tbptt_step): loss_i = torch.scalar_tensor(0).to(device) if loss_pattern != (): ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction( targets[-j - 1], outputs[-j - 1], loss_between_differences ) loss_i += self._compute_loss(ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=loss_pattern, masks=masks) if autoencoder_loss_pattern: ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction( targets[-j - 1], ae_outputs[-j - 1], loss_between_differences ) loss_i += self._compute_loss( ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=autoencoder_loss_pattern, masks=autoencoder_masks ) if latent_loss_pattern: ref, pred = self._get_reference_and_prediction( latent_targets[-j - 1], latent_outputs[-j - 1], loss_between_differences ) loss_i += self._compute_loss( ref=ref, pred=pred, loss_pattern=latent_loss_pattern, masks=latent_masks ) loss_i /= n_steps_backward loss += loss_i.detach() retain_graph = (j != 0) or (tbptt_tail > tbptt_step) loss_i.backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) if not tbptt_loss_between_steps: break for j in range(tbptt_tail - 1): curr_grad = buffer[-j - 1][0].grad retain_graph = j < tbptt_tail - tbptt_step - 1 buffer[-j - 2][1].backward(curr_grad, retain_graph=retain_graph) # if we get all the way back to the initial state, stop if buffer[-j - 2][0] is None: break return loss @staticmethod def _get_reference_and_prediction(inp, out, loss_between_differences): if loss_between_differences: return inp[:, 1:] - inp[:, :-1], out[:, 1:] - out[:, :-1] return inp, out
def _adjust_args_length(*args, max_len): for arg in args: while len(arg) > max_len: del arg[0]