Source code for deepfield.field.wells

#pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Wells and WellSegment components."""
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from anytree import (RenderTree, AsciiStyle, Resolver, PreOrderIter, PostOrderIter,

from .well_segment import WellSegment
from .rates import calculate_cf, show_rates, show_rates2, show_blocks_dynamics
from .grids import OrthogonalUniformGrid
from .base_component import BaseComponent
from .utils import full_ind_to_active_ind, active_ind_to_full_ind
from .getting_wellblocks import defining_wellblocks_vtk, find_first_entering_point, defining_wellblocks_compdat
from .wells_dump_utils import write_perf, write_events, write_schedule, write_welspecs
from .wells_load_utils import (load_rsm, load_ecl_binary, load_group, load_grouptree,
                               load_welspecs, load_compdat, load_wconprod, load_wconinje,
                               load_welltracks, load_events, load_history,
                               DEFAULTS, VALUE_CONTROL)
from .decorators import apply_to_each_segment, state_check

class IterableWells:
    """Wells iterator."""
    def __init__(self, root):
        self.iter = PreOrderIter(root)

    def __next__(self):
        x = next(self.iter)
        if x.is_group:
            return next(self)
        return x

[docs]class Wells(BaseComponent): """Wells component. Contains wells and groups in a single tree structure, wells attributes and preprocessing actions. Parameters ---------- node : WellSegment, optional Root node for well's tree. """ def __init__(self, node=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._root = WellSegment(name='FIELD', is_group=True) if node is None else node self._resolver = Resolver() self.init_state(has_blocks=False, has_cf=False, spatial=True, all_tracks_complete=False, all_tracks_inside=False, full_perforation=False)
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deepcopy. Cached properties are not copied.""" copy = self.__class__(self.root.copy()) copy._state = deepcopy(self.state) #pylint: disable=protected-access for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root: continue node_copy = node.copy() node_copy.parent = copy[] return copy
@property def root(self): """Tree root.""" return self._root @property def resolver(self): """Tree resolver.""" return self._resolver @property def main_branches(self): """List of main branches names.""" return [ for node in self if node.is_main_branch] @property def names(self): """List of well names.""" return [ for node in self] @property def event_dates(self): """List of dates with any event in main branches.""" return self._collect_dates('EVENTS') @property def result_dates(self): """List of dates with any result in main branches.""" return self._collect_dates('RESULTS') @property def history_dates(self): """List of dates with any history in main branches.""" return self._collect_dates('HISTORY') def _collect_dates(self, attr): """List of common dates given in the attribute of main branches.""" agg = [getattr(node, attr).DATE for node in self if node and attr in node] if not agg: return pd.to_datetime([]) dates = sorted(pd.concat(agg).unique()) return pd.to_datetime(dates) @property def total_rates(self): """Total rates over all wells.""" return self.root.total_rates @property def cum_rates(self): """Cumulative rates over all wells.""" return self.root.cum_rates def __getitem__(self, key): node = find_by_attr(self.root, key) if node is None: raise KeyError(key) return node def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise NotImplementedError() def __delitem__(self, key): self.drop(key) def __iter__(self): return IterableWells(self.root) def __contains__(self, key): return find_by_attr(self.root, key) is not None def _get_fmt_loader(self, fmt): """Get loader for given file format.""" if fmt == 'RSM': return self._load_rsm return super()._get_fmt_loader(fmt)
[docs] def update(self, wellsdata, mode='w', **kwargs): """Update tree nodes with new wellsdata. If node does not exists, it will be attached to root. Parameters ---------- wellsdata : dict Keys are well names, values are dicts with well attributes. mode : str, optional If 'w', write new data. If 'a', try to append new data. Default to 'w'. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments to append. Returns ------- out : Wells Wells with updated attributes. """ def _get_parent(name, data): if ':' in name: return self[':'.join(name.split(':')[:-1])] if 'WELSPECS' in data: groupname = data['WELSPECS']['GROUP'][0] try: return self[groupname] except KeyError: return WellSegment(parent=self.root, name=groupname, is_group=True) return self.root for name in sorted(wellsdata): data = wellsdata[name] name = name.strip(' \t\'"') try: node = self[name] except KeyError: parent = _get_parent(name, data) node = WellSegment(parent=parent, name=name) for k, v in data.items(): if mode == 'w': setattr(node, k, v) elif mode == 'a': if k in node.attributes: att = getattr(node, k) setattr(node, k, att.append(v, **kwargs)) else: setattr(node, k, v) else: raise ValueError("Unknown mode {}. Expected 'w' (write) or 'a' (append)".format(mode)) att = getattr(node, k) if isinstance(att, pd.DataFrame) and 'DATE' in att.columns: att = att.sort_values(by='DATE').reset_index(drop=True) setattr(node, k, att) return self
[docs] def group(self, node_names, group_name): """Group nodes in a new group attached to root. Parameters ---------- node_names : array-like Array of nodes to be grouped. group_name : str Name of a new group. Returns ------- out : Wells Wells with a new group added. """ group = WellSegment(name=group_name, parent=self.root, is_group=True) nodes = [self[name] for name in node_names] node_types = [node.is_group for node in nodes] if np.unique(node_types).size > 1: raise ValueError("Can not group mixture of wells and groups in a new group.") for node in nodes: node.parent = group return self
[docs] def drop(self, names):#pylint:disable=arguments-renamed """Detach nodes by names. Parameters ---------- names : str, array-like Nodes to be detached. Returns ------- out : Wells Wells without detached nodes. """ for name in np.atleast_1d(names): try: self[name].parent = None except KeyError: continue return self
[docs] def drop_incomplete(self, logger=None): """Drop nodes with missing 'WELLTRACK' and 'PERF'. Parameters ---------- logger : logger, optional Logger for messages. Returns ------- wells : Wells Wells without incomplete nodes. """ for node in self: if not 'COMPDAT' in node.attributes: if not set(['WELLTRACK', 'PERF']).issubset(node.attributes): self.drop( if logger is not None:'Node %s is incomplete and is removed.' % self.set_state(all_tracks_complete=True) return self
[docs] def drop_outside(self, keep_ancestors=False, logger=None): """Drop nodes with missing 'BLOCKS' (outside of the grid). Parameters ---------- keep_ancestors : bool Keep all ancestors segments for a segment with nonempty 'BLOCKS'. Setting True might result in segments with empty 'BLOCKS', e.g. if a parent has no 'BLOCKS' but a child has nonempty 'BLOCKS'. If False, welltracks may be discontinued. Default False. logger : logger, optional Logger for messages. Returns ------- wells : Wells Wells without outside nodes. """ def logger_print(node): if logger is not None:'Segment {} is outside the grid and is removed.') for node in PostOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root and == 'FIELD': continue if (not node.is_group) and (len(node.blocks) == 0): if node.is_leaf: node.parent = None logger_print(node) else: if keep_ancestors: continue p = node.parent p.children = list(p.children) + list(node.children) node.parent = None logger_print(node) self.set_state(all_tracks_inside=True) return self
[docs] def drop_empty_groups(self, logger=None): """Drop groups without wells in descendants.""" for node in PostOrderIter(self.root): if not node.is_group: continue if not node.children: self.drop( if logger is not None:'Group {} is empty and is removed.') return self
[docs] def glob(self, name): """Return instances at ``name`` supporting wildcards.""" return self.resolver.glob(self.root, name)
[docs] def render_tree(self): """Print tree structure.""" print(RenderTree(self.root, style=AsciiStyle()).by_attr()) return self
[docs] def blocks_ravel(self, grid): """Transforms block coordinates into 1D representation.""" if not self.state.spatial: return self self.set_state(spatial=False) return self._blocks_ravel(grid)
[docs] def blocks_to_spatial(self, grid): """Transforms block coordinates into 3D representation.""" if self.state.spatial: return self self.set_state(spatial=True) return self._blocks_to_spatial(grid)
@apply_to_each_segment def _blocks_ravel(self, segment, grid): if 'BLOCKS' not in segment or not len(segment.blocks): return self res = np.ravel_multi_index( tuple(segment.blocks[:, i] for i in range(3)), dims=grid.dimens, order='F' ) res = full_ind_to_active_ind(res, grid) setattr(segment, 'BLOCKS', res) return self @apply_to_each_segment def _blocks_to_spatial(self, segment, grid): if 'BLOCKS' not in segment or not len(segment.blocks): return self res = active_ind_to_full_ind(segment.blocks, grid) res = np.unravel_index(res, shape=grid.dimens, order='F') res = np.stack(res, axis=1) setattr(segment, 'BLOCKS', res) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def add_welltrack(self, segment, grid): """Reconstruct welltrack from COMPDAT table. To connect the end point of the current segment with the start point of the next segment we find a set of segments with nearest start point and take a segment with the lowest depth. Works fine for simple trajectories only. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid class instance Grid parameters. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with WELLTRACK attribute added. """ if ('WELLTRACK' in segment) or ('COMPDAT' not in segment): return self df = segment.COMPDAT[['I', 'J', 'K1', 'K2']].drop_duplicates().sort_values(['K1', 'K2']) if df[['I', 'J']].isna().values.any(): df['I'] = df['I'].fillna(segment.WELSPECS['I']) df['J'] = df['J'].fillna(segment.WELSPECS['J']) i0, j0 = segment.WELSPECS[['I', 'J']].values[0] root = np.array([i0, j0, 0]) track = [] centroids = grid.cell_centroids if not grid.state.spatial: centroids = centroids.reshape(tuple(grid.dimens) + (3,), order='F') for _ in range(len(df)): dist = np.linalg.norm(df[['I', 'J', 'K1']] - root, axis=1) row = df.iloc[[dist.argmin()]] track.append(centroids[int(row['I'])-1, int(row['J'])-1, int(row['K1'])-1]) track.append(centroids[int(row['I'])-1, int(row['J'])-1, int(row['K2'])-1]) root = row[['I', 'J', 'K2']].values.astype(float).ravel() df = df.drop(row.index) track = pd.DataFrame(track).drop_duplicates().values segment.WELLTRACK = np.concatenate([track, np.full((len(track), 1), np.nan)], axis=1) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def get_wellblocks(self, segment, grid, logger=None, **kwargs): """Calculate grid blocks for the tree of wells. Parameters ---------- grid : class instance Basic grid class. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments to append. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with calculated grid blocks and well in block projections. """ if 'COMPDAT' in segment.attributes: segment.blocks = defining_wellblocks_compdat(segment.compdat) segment.blocks_info = pd.DataFrame(np.empty((segment.blocks.shape[0], 0))) else: grid = grid.as_corner_point if isinstance(grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): grid = grid.to_spatial() if grid._vtk_locator is None or grid._cell_id_d is None: #pylint: disable=protected-access grid.create_vtk_locator(use_only_active=True, scaling=False) output = defining_wellblocks_vtk(segment.welltrack,, grid, grid._vtk_locator, grid._cell_id_d, #pylint: disable=protected-access logger=logger, **kwargs) xyz_block, h_well, welltr_block_md, inters = output if len(h_well) > 0: if np.isclose(h_well[-1], 0).all(): if logger is not None: 'Well projections in the last block of well ' + '`{}` are close to 0. Block {} will be removed '+ 'from well blocks.' ).format(, xyz_block[-1])) h_well = h_well[:-1] xyz_block = xyz_block[:-1] welltr_block_md = welltr_block_md[:-1] inters = inters[:-1] bases = grid.cell_bases((xyz_block[:, 0], xyz_block[:, 1], xyz_block[:, 2])) h_well = [np.abs(, h)) for b, h in zip(bases, h_well)] segment.blocks = xyz_block segment.blocks_info = pd.DataFrame(h_well, columns=['Hx', 'Hy', 'Hz']) segment._inters = inters #pylint: disable=protected-access segment.blocks_info['MD'] = welltr_block_md segment.blocks_info = segment.blocks_info.assign( PERF_RATIO=np.nan if len(segment.blocks_info) == 0 else 0, RAD=np.nan if len(segment.blocks_info) == 0 else DEFAULTS['RAD'], SKIN=np.nan if len(segment.blocks_info) == 0 else DEFAULTS['SKIN'], MULT=np.nan if len(segment.blocks_info) == 0 else DEFAULTS['MULT'], ) self.set_state(has_blocks=True, has_cf=False, all_tracks_inside=False, full_perforation=False) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def add_null_results_column(self, segment, column, fill_with=0.): """Add a dummy column to results if it is absent. Parameters ---------- segment column: str Column name to add fill_with: float Value to fill the column Returns ------- wells: Wells """ if 'RESULTS' not in segment.attributes: return self if (segment.perforated_blocks().size != 0) and column not in segment.results: segment.results[column] = fill_with return self
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.full_perforation) @apply_to_each_segment def compute_events(self, segment, grid, attr='EVENTS'): """Make events from WCONPROD and WCONINJE if present. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid Grid component. attr : str, optional Attribute name for events. Default to 'EVENTS'. Returns ------- wells : Wells Wells with an event attribute added. """ if 'wconprod' not in segment and 'wconinje' not in segment: return self df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATE', 'MODE', 'DREF', 'GIT', 'WIT', 'BHPT', 'LPT']) if segment.perforated_blocks().size == 0: setattr(segment, attr, df) return self wconprod = segment.wconprod if 'wconprod' in segment else pd.DataFrame() wconinje = segment.wconinje if 'wconinje' in segment else pd.DataFrame() wcon = pd.concat([wconprod, wconinje]) if wcon.empty: setattr(segment, attr, df) return self wcon = wcon.sort_values('DATE').reset_index(drop=True) df['DATE'] = wcon['DATE'] dref_index = np.argmin(segment.perforated_blocks()[:, 2]) dref_index = segment.perforated_blocks()[:, :3][dref_index] df['DREF'] = grid.cell_centroids[dref_index[0], dref_index[1], dref_index[2]][2] df['MODE'] = wcon['MODE'] mask = wcon['CONTROL'] == 'RATE' df.loc[mask, 'MODE'] = df.loc[mask, 'MODE'].replace('OPEN', 'INJE') df.loc[~mask, 'MODE'] = df.loc[~mask, 'MODE'].replace('OPEN', 'PROD') df['BHPT'] = wcon['BHPT'] if 'LPT' in wcon: df['LPT'] = wcon['LPT'] if 'PHASE' in wcon: mask = wcon['PHASE'] == 'WATER' df.loc[mask, 'WIT'] = wcon.loc[mask, 'SPIT'] mask = wcon['PHASE'] == 'GAS' df.loc[mask, 'GIT'] = wcon.loc[mask, 'SPIT'] setattr(segment, attr, df) return self
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.full_perforation) @apply_to_each_segment def results_to_events(self, segment, grid, production_mode='BHPT', attr='EVENTS', drop_duplicates=True): """Make events from results. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid Grid component. production_mode: str, 'BHPT' or 'LPT'. Default to 'BHPT'. Control mode for production wells. attr : str, optional Attribute name for events. Default to 'EVENTS'. drop_duplicates : bool, optional Drop repeated events. Default to True. Returns ------- wells : Wells Wells with an event attribute added. """ if 'RESULTS' not in segment.attributes: return self df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['DATE', 'MODE', 'DREF', 'WIT', 'BHPT', 'LPT', 'GIT']) if segment.perforated_blocks().size == 0 or segment.results.empty: setattr(segment, attr, df) return self results = segment.results.sort_values('DATE') results['DATE'] = results['DATE'] results = results.drop_duplicates(subset='DATE', keep='last', ignore_index=True) df['DATE'] = results['DATE'][:-1] results = results[1:].reset_index(drop=True) dref_index = np.argmin(segment.perforated_blocks()[:, 2]) dref_index = segment.perforated_blocks()[:, :3][dref_index] df['DREF'] = grid.cell_centroids[dref_index[0], dref_index[1], dref_index[2]][2] if 'WWIR' in results: mask_inje_water = (results['WWIR'] > 0).values df.loc[mask_inje_water, 'WIT'] = results.loc[mask_inje_water, 'WWIR'] df.loc[mask_inje_water, 'MODE'] = 'INJE' else: mask_inje_water = np.zeros(df['DATE'].shape, bool) if 'WGIR' in results: mask_inje_gas = (results['WGIR'] > 0).values df.loc[mask_inje_gas, 'GIT'] = results.loc[mask_inje_gas, 'WGIR'] df.loc[mask_inje_gas, 'MODE'] = 'INJE' else: mask_inje_gas = np.zeros(df['DATE'].shape, bool) if 'WBHP' in results and production_mode == 'BHPT': mask_prod = (results['WBHP'] > 0).values & ~mask_inje_water & ~mask_inje_gas & ( (results.get('WOPR', 0) > 0) | (results.get('WWPR', 0) > 0) | (results.get('WGPR', 0) > 0)).values df.loc[mask_prod, 'BHPT'] = results.loc[mask_prod, 'WBHP'] df.loc[mask_prod, 'MODE'] = 'PROD' elif set(('WBHP', 'WOPR', 'WWPR')).issubset(set(results)) and production_mode == 'LPT': mask_prod = (results['WBHP'] > 0).values & ~mask_inje_water & ( (results.get('WOPR', 0) > 0) | (results.get('WWPR', 0) > 0) | (results.get('WGPR', 0) > 0)).values df.loc[mask_prod, 'LPT'] = results.loc[mask_prod, ['WOPR', 'WWPR']].sum(axis=1) df.loc[mask_prod, 'MODE'] = 'PROD' else: mask_prod = False mask_stop = ~mask_prod & ~mask_inje_water & ~mask_inje_gas df.loc[mask_stop, 'MODE'] = 'STOP' if drop_duplicates: arr = df.values.astype('str') ind_to_drop = np.where((arr[:-1, 1:] == arr[1:, 1:]).all(axis=1))[0] + 1 df = df.drop(index=ind_to_drop).reset_index(drop=True) setattr(segment, attr, df) if 'COMPDAT' not in segment: return self columns = ['DATE', 'WELL', 'MODE', 'CONTROL', 'OPT', 'WPT', 'GPT', 'SLPT', 'LPT', 'BHPT'] wconprod = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) mask_prod = (df['MODE'] != 'INJE').values prod = df[mask_prod] wconprod['DATE'] = prod['DATE'] wconprod['WELL'] = wconprod['MODE'] = prod['MODE'] wconprod.loc[wconprod['MODE'] != 'STOP', 'MODE'] = 'OPEN' if production_mode == 'BHPT': wconprod['CONTROL'] = 'BHP' wconprod['BHPT'] = prod['BHPT'] elif production_mode == 'LPT': wconprod['CONTROL'] = 'LRAT' wconprod['LPT'] = prod['LPT'] else: raise ValueError('Unknown production mode {}'.format(production_mode)) columns = ['DATE', 'WELL', 'PHASE', 'MODE', 'CONTROL', 'SPIT', 'PIT', 'BHPT'] wconinje = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) mask_inje = (df['MODE'] == 'INJE').values inje = df[mask_inje] wconinje['DATE'] = inje['DATE'] wconinje['WELL'] = wconinje['MODE'] = 'OPEN' wconinje['CONTROL'] = 'RATE' wconinje.loc[inje['GIT'] > 0, 'PHASE'] = 'GAS' wconinje.loc[inje['WIT'] > 0, 'PHASE'] = 'WATER' wconinje.loc[wconinje['PHASE'] == 'GAS', 'SPIT'] = inje['GIT'] wconinje.loc[wconinje['PHASE'] == 'WATER', 'SPIT'] = inje['WIT'] first_date = segment.compdat['DATE'].dropna().min() wconprod = wconprod.loc[wconprod['DATE'] >= first_date].reset_index(drop=True) wconinje = wconinje.loc[wconinje['DATE'] >= first_date].reset_index(drop=True) setattr(segment, 'WCONPROD', wconprod) setattr(segment, 'WCONINJE', wconinje) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def calculate_cf(self, segment, rock, grid, beta=1, units='METRIC', cf_aggregation='sum', **kwargs): """Calculate connection factor values for each grid block of a segment. Parameters ---------- rock : Rock class instance Rock component of geological model. grid : Grid class instance Rock component of geological model. segment : WellSegment class instance Well's node. beta : list or ndarray Additional multiplicator for productivity index of well. conversion_const : float Сonversion factor for field units. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with a 'CF' columns in a blocks_info attribute. """ calculate_cf(rock, grid, segment, beta, units, cf_aggregation, **kwargs) self.set_state(has_cf=True) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def apply_perforations(self, segment, current_date=None): """Open or close perforation intervals for given time interval. Parameters ---------- segment : WellSegment Well's node. current_date : pandas.Timestamp, optional Final date to open new perforations. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with an updated blocks_info attribute which contains: - projections of welltrack in grid blocks - MD values for corresponding grid blocks - ratio of perforated part of the well for each grid block. """ segment.apply_perforations(current_date) self.set_state(full_perforation=(current_date is None)) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def split_perforations(self, segment): """Split well perforations in a way that each perforation correspond to one specific cell. Parameters ---------- segment : WellSegment Well node Returns ------- Wells Wells component with updated perforations. """ new_perf_df = pd.DataFrame().reindex( columns=np.concatenate((segment.perf.columns, ['I', 'J', 'K']))) new_perf_df = new_perf_df.astype({ 'I': int, 'J': int, 'K': int, 'COVERED': int, 'CLOSE': bool }) for _, row in segment.perf.iterrows(): perforations_new = [] mdl = row['MDL'] mdu = row['MDU'] start = mdl index_last = None for ((index, _), (_, block)) in zip(enumerate(segment.blocks), segment.blocks_info.iterrows()): if block['MD'] > mdl and block['MD'] < mdu: end = block['MD'] i, j, k = segment.blocks[index-1] if index > 0 else (-1, -1, -1) perforations_new.append((start, end, i, j, k)) start = block['MD'] index_last = index end = mdu i, j, k = segment.blocks[index_last] if index_last is not None else (-1, -1, -1) perforations_new.append((start, end, i, j, k)) df = pd.DataFrame(perforations_new, columns=['MDL', 'MDU', 'I', 'J', 'K']) for column in new_perf_df.columns: if column not in df: df[column] = row[column] new_perf_df = new_perf_df.append(df, ignore_index=True) segment.perf = new_perf_df return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def update_wpi_mult(self, segment, mults): """Update WPI multipliers. Parameters ---------- segment : WellSegment Well node mults : pandas.DataFrame Multiplyers to be updated. A table with following columns -- I: -- J: -- K: indices -- MULT correspnding multipliers Returns ------- Wells Wells component with updated WPI multipliers in `perf` tables. """ res = pd.merge(segment.perf, mults, on=['I', 'J', 'K'], how='left') res['MULT'] = res['MULT_y'].fillna(res['MULT_x']) res = res.drop(['MULT_x', 'MULT_y'], axis=1) segment.perf = res return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def filter_blocks_with_perm(self, segment, permeab): """Delete blocks with zero permeability.""" x_blocks, y_blocks, z_blocks = segment.blocks.T permx = permeab[0, x_blocks, y_blocks, z_blocks] permy = permeab[1, x_blocks, y_blocks, z_blocks] permz = permeab[2, x_blocks, y_blocks, z_blocks] ind_del = list(set(np.where(permx == 0)[0]).union( np.where(permy == 0)[0]).union(np.where(permz == 0)[0])) segment.blocks = np.delete(segment.blocks, ind_del, 0) segment.blocks_info = segment.blocks_info.drop(ind_del, axis=0) return self
[docs] @apply_to_each_segment def randomize_events(self, segment, additive=False, clip=None, equality_condition=None, **kwargs): """Add random values to events or fill with new random values. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict A dict of {keyword: sampler} pairs. A keyword should be one of event keywords. A sampler should be callable that accepts parameter size (number of samples to generate). additive : bool If True, add random value to existing one. If False, substitute existing value with a new random. Default to False. clip : (2, ), tuple If not None, apply clip with given min and max values. equality_condition: dict, None If not None, randomize only those events that satisfy df[k] == v for all (k, v) from equality_condition.items() Returns ------- wells : Wells Wells with randomized events. """ if 'EVENTS' not in segment: return self df = for k, sampler in kwargs.items(): if k not in df: continue eq_cond = pd.Series(np.ones(len(df), dtype=bool)) if equality_condition is not None: for attr, cond in equality_condition.items(): eq_cond &= df[attr] == cond rnd = sampler(size=eq_cond.sum()) if additive: df.loc[eq_cond, k] += rnd else: df.loc[eq_cond, k] = rnd if clip is not None: df.loc[eq_cond, k] = np.clip(df.loc[eq_cond, k], *clip) return self
[docs] def show_wells(self, figsize=None, c='r', **kwargs): """Return 3D visualization of wells. Parameters ---------- figsize : tuple Output figsize. c : str Line color, default red. kwargs : misc Any additional kwargs for plot. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for segment in self: arr = segment.welltrack ax.plot(arr[:, 0], arr[:, 1], arr[:, 2], c=c, **kwargs) ax.text(*arr[0, :3], ax.invert_zaxis() ax.view_init(azim=60, elev=30)
[docs] def show_rates(self, timesteps=None, wellnames=None, wells2=None, labels=None, figsize=(16, 6)): """Plot total or cumulative liquid and gas rates for a chosen node including branches. Parameters ---------- timesteps : list of Timestamps Dates at which rates were calculated. wellnames : array-like List of wells to show. figsize : tuple Figsize for two axes plots. wells2 : Wells Target model to compare with. """ timesteps = self.result_dates if timesteps is None else timesteps wellnames = [ for node in PreOrderIter(self.root)] return show_rates(self, timesteps=timesteps, wellnames=wellnames, wells2=wells2, labels=labels, figsize=figsize)
[docs] def show_rates2(self, timesteps=None, wellnames=None, wells2=None, labels=None, figsize=(16, 6)): """Plot total or cumulative liquid and gas rates for a chosen node including branches on two separate axes. Parameters ---------- timesteps : list of Timestamps Dates at which rates were calculated. wellnames : array-like List of wells to show. figsize : tuple Figsize for two axes plots. wells2 : Wells Target model to compare with. """ timesteps = self.result_dates if timesteps is None else timesteps wellnames = [ for node in PreOrderIter(self.root)] return show_rates2(self, timesteps=timesteps, wellnames=wellnames, wells2=wells2, labels=labels, figsize=figsize)
[docs] def show_blocks_dynamics(self, timesteps=None, wellnames=None, figsize=(16, 6)): """Plot liquid or gas rates and pvt props for a chosen block of a chosen well segment on two separate axes. Parameters ---------- timesteps : list of Timestamps Dates at which rates were calculated. wellnames : array-like List of wells to plot. figsize : tuple Figsize for two axes plots. """ timesteps = self.result_dates if timesteps is None else timesteps wellnames = self.names if wellnames is None else wellnames return show_blocks_dynamics(self, timesteps=timesteps, wellnames=wellnames, figsize=figsize)
def _load_hdf5(self, path, attrs=None, **kwargs): """Load data from a HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file to load data from. attrs : str or array of str, optional Array of dataset's names to get from file. If not given, loads all. Returns ------- comp : BaseComponent BaseComponent with loaded attributes. """ _ = kwargs if isinstance(attrs, str): attrs = [attrs] def update_tree(grp, parent=None): """Build tree recursively following HDF5 node hierarchy.""" node = (self.root if parent is None else WellSegment(parent=parent,'/')[-1], is_group=grp.attrs['is_group'])) for k, v in grp.items(): if k == 'data': for att in v.keys() if attrs is None else attrs: try: data = v[att] except KeyError: continue if isinstance(data, h5py.Group): data = pd.read_hdf(path, key='/'.join([, 'data', att]), mode='r') setattr(node, att, data) else: setattr(node, att, data[()]) else: update_tree(v, node) with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: self.set_state(**dict(f[self.class_name].attrs.items())) update_tree(f[self.class_name]) return self def _read_buffer(self, buffer, attr, **kwargs): """Load well data from an ASCII file. Parameters ---------- buffer : StringIteratorIO Buffer to get string from. attr : str Target keyword. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with loaded well data. """ if attr == 'WELSPECS': return load_welspecs(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'COMPDAT': return load_compdat(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'WCONPROD': return load_wconprod(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'WCONINJE': return load_wconinje(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr in ["TFIL", "WELLTRACK"]: return load_welltracks(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr in ["EFIL", "EFILE", "ETAB"]: return load_events(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr in ["HFIL", "HFILE", "HTAB"]: return load_history(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr in ["GROU", "GROUP"]: return load_group(self, buffer, **kwargs) if attr == "GRUPTREE": return load_grouptree(self, buffer, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Keyword {} is not supported in Wells.".format(attr)) def _load_rsm(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load RSM well data from file.""" return load_rsm(self, *args, **kwargs) def _load_ecl_binary(self, *args, **kwargs): """Load results from UNSMRY file.""" return load_ecl_binary(self, *args, **kwargs) def _dump_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', state=True, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches """Save data into HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'a'. state : bool Dump compoments's state. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells unchanged. """ _ = kwargs with h5py.File(path, mode) as f: wells = f[self.class_name] if self.class_name in f else f.create_group(self.class_name) if state: for k, v in self.state.as_dict().items(): wells.attrs[k] = v for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root: continue node_path = node.fullname if == 'data': raise ValueError("Name 'data' is not allowed for nodes.") grp = wells[node_path] if node_path in wells else wells.create_group(node_path) grp.attrs['is_group'] = node.is_group if 'data' not in grp: grp_data = wells.create_group(node_path + '/data') else: grp_data = grp['data'] for att, data in node.items(): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): continue if att in grp_data: del grp_data[att] grp_data.create_dataset(att, data=data) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root: continue for att, data in node.items(): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data.to_hdf(path, key='/'.join([self.class_name, node.fullname, 'data', att]), mode='a') return self def _dump_ascii(self, path, attr, mode='w', **kwargs): """Save data into text file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. attr : str Attribute to dump into file. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'w'. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells unchanged. """ with open(path, mode) as f: if attr.upper() == 'WELLTRACK': for node in self: if 'WELLTRACK' in node and 'COMPDAT' not in node: f.write('WELLTRACK\t{}\n'.format( for line in node.welltrack: f.write(' '.join(line.astype(str)) + '\n') elif attr.upper() == 'PERF': write_perf(f, self, DEFAULTS) elif attr.upper() == 'GROUP': for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root: continue if node.is_group and not node.is_leaf and not node.children[0].is_group: f.write(' '.join(['GROUP',] + [ for child in node.children]) + '\n') f.write('/\n') elif attr.upper() == 'GRUPTREE': f.write('GRUPTREE\n') for node in PreOrderIter(self.root): if node.is_root: continue if node.is_group and node.parent.is_group: p_name = '1*' if node.parent.is_root else f.write(' '.join([, p_name, '/\n'])) f.write('/\n') elif attr.upper() == 'EVENTS': write_events(f, self, VALUE_CONTROL) elif attr.upper() == 'SCHEDULE': write_schedule(f, self, **kwargs) elif attr.upper() == 'WELSPECS': write_welspecs(f, self) else: raise NotImplementedError("Dump for {} is not implemented.".format(attr.upper())) @apply_to_each_segment def _get_first_entering_point(self, segment, grid, **kwargs): """Calculate grid blocks for the tree of wells. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid Basic grid class. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments to append. Returns ------- comp : Wells Wells component with calculated grid blocks and well in block projections. """ _ = kwargs grid = grid.as_corner_point if grid._vtk_locator is None or grid._cell_id_d is None: #pylint: disable=protected-access grid.create_vtk_locator(use_only_active=True, scaling=False) output = find_first_entering_point(segment.welltrack, grid, grid._vtk_locator, grid._cell_id_d) #pylint: disable=protected-access segment._first_entering_point = output #pylint: disable=protected-access return self