Source code for deepfield.field.well_segment

#pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Wells and WellSegment components."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from anytree import NodeMixin

from .rates import apply_perforations, calculate_cf
from .base_component import BaseComponent

[docs]class WellSegment(BaseComponent, NodeMixin): """Well's node. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional Node's name. is_group : bool, optional Should a node represet a group of wells. Default to False. Attributes ---------- is_group : bool Indicator of a group. is_main_branch : bool Indicator of a main branch. name : str Node's name. fullname : str Node's full name from root. """ def __init__(self, *args, parent=None, children=None, name=None, is_group=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) super().__setattr__('parent', parent) self._name = name self._is_group = is_group if children is not None: super().__setattr__('children', children)
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deepcopy. Cached properties are not copied.""" copy = super().copy() copy._name = self._name #pylint: disable=protected-access copy._is_group = self.is_group #pylint: disable=protected-access return copy
@property def is_group(self): """Check that node is a group of wells.""" return self._is_group @property def is_main_branch(self): """Check that node in a main well's branch.""" return (not self.is_group) and (':' not in @property def name(self): """Node's name.""" return self._name @property def fullname(self): """Full name from root.""" return self.separator.join([ for node in self.path[1:]]) @property def total_rates(self): """Total rates for the current node and all its branches.""" columns = ['DATE', 'WOPR', 'WWPR', 'WGPR', 'WFGPR'] if 'RESULTS' not in self: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns).set_index('DATE') else: df = self.results[[x for x in columns if x in self.results]].set_index('DATE') for node in self.children: df = df.add(node.total_rates.set_index('DATE'), fill_value=0) return df.reset_index() @property def cum_rates(self): """Cumulative rates for the current node and all its branches.""" return self.total_rates.set_index('DATE').cumsum().reset_index()
[docs] def perforated_indices(self, t=None): """Mask indicating perforated blocks.""" if t is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Time parameter is not yet implemented.') if 'BLOCKS_INFO' in self.attributes: return (self.blocks_info['PERF_RATIO'] > 0).values return np.array([], dtype=np.bool)
[docs] def perforated_blocks(self, t=None): """List of perforated blocks for current node.""" if 'BLOCKS' in self.attributes: return self.blocks[self.perforated_indices(t)] return np.array([])
[docs] def all_perforated_blocks(self, t=None): """List of perforated blocks for current node and all its descendants.""" res = [node.perforated_blocks(t) for node in self.descendants] res.append(self.perforated_blocks(t)) res = [x for x in res if len(x)] return np.unique(np.vstack(res), axis=0) if res else np.array([])
[docs] def apply_perforations(self, current_date=None): """Open or close perforation intervals for given time interval. Parameters ---------- segment : WellSegment Well's node. current_date : pandas.Timestamp Final date to open new perforations. Returns ------- segment : WellSegment Segment with a blocks_info attribute that contains: - projections of welltrack in grid blocks - MD values for corresponding grid blocks - ratio of perforated part of the well for each grid block. """ apply_perforations(self, current_date=current_date) return self
[docs] def calculate_cf(self, rock, grid, beta=1, units='METRIC', cf_aggregation='sum'): """Calculate connection factor values for each grid block of a segment. Parameters ---------- rock : Rock Rock component of geological model. grid : Grid Rock component of geological model. segment : WellSegment Well's node. beta : list or ndarray Additional multiplicator for productivity index of well. units : str, 'METRIC' or 'FIELD' Field units. cf_aggregation: str, 'sum' or 'eucl' The way of aggregating cf projection ('sum' - sum, 'eucl' - Euclid norm). Returns ------- segment : WellSegment Segment with a blocks_info attribute extended with calculated connection factor values for all segment blocks. """ calculate_cf(rock, grid, self, beta, units, cf_aggregation) return self