Source code for deepfield.field.grids

"""Classes and routines for handling model grids."""
import warnings

import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtkmodules.util import numpy_support

from .decorators import cached_property, apply_to_each_input, state_check
from .base_spatial import SpatialComponent
from .grid_utils import get_top_z_coords, numba_get_volumes, numba_get_xyz, get_connectivity_matrix
from .utils import rolling_window, mk_vtk_id_list, get_single_path
from .parse_utils import read_ecl_bin

[docs]class Grid(SpatialComponent): """Basic grid class.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._vtk_grid = None self._cell_id_d = None self._vtk_grid_params = {'use_only_active': True, 'cell_size': None, 'scaling': True} self._vtk_grid_scales = [1, 1, 1] self._vtk_locator = None if 'MAPAXES' not in self: setattr(self, 'MAPAXES', np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0])) @property def origin(self): """Grid axes origin relative to the map coordinates.""" return np.array([self.mapaxes[2], self.mapaxes[3], self.tops]) @cached_property def bounding_box(self): """Pair of diagonal corner points for grid's bounding box.""" raise NotImplementedError() @cached_property def cell_centroids(self): """Centroids of cells.""" raise NotImplementedError() @cached_property def cell_volumes(self): """Volumes of cells.""" raise NotImplementedError() @cached_property def xyz(self): """Cell coordinates.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def ex(self): """Unit vector along grid X axis.""" ex = np.array([self.mapaxes[-2] - self.mapaxes[2], self.mapaxes[-1] - self.mapaxes[3]]) return ex / np.linalg.norm(ex) @property def ey(self): """Unit vector along grid Y axis.""" ey = np.array([self.mapaxes[0] - self.mapaxes[2], self.mapaxes[1] - self.mapaxes[3]]) return ey / np.linalg.norm(ey) def _load_ecl_binary(self, path_to_results, attrs, basename, logger=None): path = get_single_path(path_to_results, basename + '.EGRID', logger) if path is None: return sections = read_ecl_bin(path, attrs, logger=logger) for k in ['ZCORN', 'COORD', 'MAPAXES']: if (k in attrs) and (k in sections): setattr(self, k, sections[k]) if 'ACTNUM' in attrs and 'ACTNUM' in sections: setattr(self, 'ACTNUM', sections['ACTNUM'].astype(bool)) def _read_buffer(self, buffer, attr, logger=None, **kwargs): if attr == 'DIMENS': super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, dtype=int, logger=logger, compressed=False) elif attr in ['DX', 'DY', 'DZ', 'TOPS']: super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, dtype=float, logger=logger, compressed=True) elif attr == 'ZCORN': super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, dtype=float, compressed=True) elif attr == 'COORD': super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, dtype=float, compressed=False) elif attr in 'ACTNUM': super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, dtype=lambda x: bool(int(x)), logger=logger, compressed=True) else: super()._read_buffer(buffer, attr, logger=logger, **kwargs) if attr in ['DX', 'DY', 'DZ']: if np.unique(getattr(self, attr)).size != 1: raise ValueError("Grid is not uniform ('{}').".format(attr)) setattr(self, attr, getattr(self, attr)[0]) elif attr == 'TOPS': if np.unique(np.diff(self.TOPS)).size > 2: raise ValueError("Grid is not uniform ('{}').".format(attr)) setattr(self, attr, self.TOPS[0]) @apply_to_each_input def _to_spatial(self, attr, inplace=True, **kwargs): """Spatial order 'F' transformations.""" _ = kwargs data = getattr(self, attr) if self.state.spatial: return self if inplace else data if attr == 'ACTNUM': data = data.reshape(self.dimens, order='F') elif attr == 'COORD': nx, ny, nz = self.dimens data = data.reshape(-1, 6) data = data.reshape((nx + 1, ny + 1, 6), order='F') elif attr == 'ZCORN': nx, ny, nz = self.dimens data = data.reshape((2, nx, 2, ny, 2, nz), order='F') data = np.moveaxis(data, range(6), (3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2)) data = data.reshape((nx, ny, nz, 8), order='F') if inplace: setattr(self, attr, data) return self return data @apply_to_each_input def _ravel(self, attr, inplace=True, **kwargs): """Ravel order 'F' transformations.""" _ = kwargs data = getattr(self, attr) if not self.state.spatial: return self if inplace else data if attr == 'ACTNUM': data = data.ravel(order='F') elif attr == 'COORD': data = data.reshape((-1, 6), order='F').ravel() elif attr == 'ZCORN': nx, ny, nz = self.dimens data = data.reshape((nx, ny, nz, 2, 2, 2), order='F') data = np.moveaxis(data, (3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2), range(6)).ravel(order='F') else: data = super()._ravel(attr=attr, order='F', inplace=False) if inplace: setattr(self, attr, data) return self return data def _make_data_dump(self, attr, fmt=None, float_dtype=None, **kwargs): """Prepare data for dump.""" if fmt.upper() != 'HDF5': return super()._make_data_dump(attr, fmt=fmt, **kwargs) data = self.ravel(attr=attr, inplace=False) if attr == 'ACTNUM': return data.astype(bool) if attr in ['ZCORN', 'COORD', 'TOPS', 'MAPAXES']: return data if float_dtype is None else data.astype(float_dtype) if attr == 'DIMENS': return data.astype(int) return data
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def minimal_active_slices(self): """Get minimal cube slice that contains all active cells.""" if 'ACTNUM' in self: pos = np.where(self.actnum) return tuple(slice(p.min(), p.max() + 1) for p in pos) return slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def crop_minimal_cube(self): """Crop to minimal cube containing active cells.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_neighbors_matrix(self, connectivity=1, fill_value=-1, ravel_index=False): """Get indices of neighbors for all active cells. Parameters ---------- connectivity : int, optional Maximum number of orthogonal hops to consider a cell is as a neighbor, by default 1. fill_value : int, optional Value to fill indices of inactive or absent neighbors, by default -1. ravel_index : bool, optional Indices in raveled form, by default False. Returns ------- res : misc Matrix of active neighbors and matrix of distances if 'calculate_distances'. """ actnum = self.to_spatial(attr='ACTNUM', inplace=False) res, invalid_cells = get_connectivity_matrix(actnum, connectivity) if ravel_index: res = np.ravel_multi_index((res[..., 0], res[..., 1], res[..., 2]), self.dimens, order='F') res[invalid_cells] = fill_value return res
[docs] def calculate_neighbours_distances(self, connectivity=1, fill_value=-1, neighbours_matrix=None): """Calculate distances between neighbors for all active cells. Parameters ---------- connectivity : int, optional Maximum number of orthogonal hops to consider a cell is as a neighbor., by default 1. fill_value : int, optional Value to fill indices of inactive or absent neighbors, by default -1. neighbours_matrix: numpy.ndarray, optional Matrix with indices of neighbors in unraveled form. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Matrix of distances. """ actnum = self.to_spatial(attr='ACTNUM', inplace=False) if neighbours_matrix is None: neighbours_matrix = self.get_neighbors_matrix( connectivity=connectivity, fill_value=fill_value, ravel_index=False ) invalid_cells = np.where( np.any(neighbours_matrix == fill_value, axis=-1), np.ones(shape=neighbours_matrix.shape[:2]), np.zeros(shape=neighbours_matrix.shape[:2]) ).astype(np.bool) neighbor_centers = self.cell_centroids[ neighbours_matrix[..., 0], neighbours_matrix[..., 1], neighbours_matrix[..., 2] ] active_cells_centers = self.cell_centroids[actnum] distances = np.linalg.norm( neighbor_centers - np.tile(active_cells_centers[:, np.newaxis, :], (1, neighbor_centers.shape[1], 1)), axis=2 ) distances[invalid_cells] = fill_value return distances
[docs]class OrthogonalUniformGrid(Grid): """Orthogonal uniform grid.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if 'TOPS' not in self: setattr(self, 'TOPS', 0) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (3,), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def cell_centroids(self): """Centroids of cells.""" ind = np.indices(self.dimens) centroids = np.zeros(list(self.dimens) + [3]) for i in range(3): centroids[:, :, :, i] = (ind[i] + 0.5) * self.cell_size[i] + self.origin[i] return centroids @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (3,), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def cell_volumes(self): """Volumes of cells.""" return np.full(self.dimens, # pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method @property def xyz(self): """Cells' vertices coordinates.""" return @property def cell_size(self): """Cell size.""" return np.array([self.dx, self.dy,]) @cached_property def bounding_box(self): """Pair of diagonal corner points for grid's bounding box.""" return np.array([np.zeros(3), self.dimens * self.cell_size]) @cached_property def as_corner_point(self): """Creates CornerPoint representation of the current grid.""" return self.to_corner_point()
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def crop_minimal_cube(self): """Crop to minimal cube containing active cells. Returns ------- (grid, min_slices) : tuple New grid and slices for active cube. """ min_slices = self.minimal_active_slices() actnum = self.actnum[min_slices] shift = self.ex * self.dx * min_slices[0][0] + self.ey * self.dy * min_slices[0][1] mapaxes = self.mapaxes + np.tile(shift, 3) tops = self.tops + * min_slices[0][2] grid = self.__class__(actnum=actnum, dx=self.dx, dy=self.dy,, mapaxes=mapaxes, tops=tops, dimens=np.array(actnum.shape)) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid, min_slices
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def upscale(self, factors=(2, 2, 2), actnum_upscale='vote'): """Upscale grid according to factors given. Parameters ---------- factors : tuple, int Scale factors along each axis. If int, factors are the same for each axis. actnum_upscale : str Method to actnum upscaling. If 'vote', upscaled cell is active if majority of finer cells are active. If 'any', upscaled cell is active if any of finer cells is active. Default to 'vote'. Returns ------- grid : OrthogonalUniformGrid Upscaled grid. """ factors = np.atleast_1d(factors) if factors.size == 1: factors = np.repeat(factors, 3) dimens = self.dimens // factors dx = self.dx * factors[0] dy = self.dy * factors[1] dz = * factors[2] if 'ACTNUM' not in self: grid = self.__class__(dimens=dimens, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz, tops=self.tops, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid out = rolling_window(self.actnum, factors) if actnum_upscale == 'vote': actnum = np.mean(out, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) > 0.5 elif actnum_upscale == 'any': actnum = np.sum(out, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) > 0 else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode of actnum upscaling: {}.'.format(actnum_upscale)) grid = self.__class__(dimens=dimens, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz, actnum=actnum, tops=self.tops, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def downscale(self, factors=(2, 2, 2)): """Downscale grid according to factors given. Parameters ---------- factors : tuple, int Scale factors along each axis. If int, factors are the same for each axis. Returns ------- grid : OrthogonalUniformGrid Downscaled grid. """ factors = np.atleast_1d(factors) if factors.size == 1: factors = np.repeat(factors, 3) dimens = self.dimens * factors dx = self.dx / factors[0] dy = self.dy / factors[1] dz = / factors[2] grid = self.__class__(dimens=dimens, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz, tops=self.tops, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid
[docs] def to_corner_point(self): """Convert to corner point grid. Returns ------- grid : CornerPointGrid """ nx, ny, nz = self.dimens dx, dy, dz = self.cell_size x0, y0, z0 = self.origin x_y = np.flip(np.indices((ny + 1, nx + 1)).reshape(2, -1).T * np.array([dy, dx]), axis=1) x_y[:, 0] += x0 x_y[:, 1] += y0 coord = np.hstack((x_y, np.ones(((ny + 1) * (nx + 1), 1)) * z0, x_y, np.ones(((ny + 1) * (nx + 1), 1)) * (z0 + dz * nz))).flatten() zcorn = np.tile(np.array([(k // 2 + k % 2) * dz for k in range(2 * nz)]).reshape(-1, 1), (1, nx * ny * 4), ).flatten() + z0 grid = CornerPointGrid(dimens=self.dimens, mapaxes=self.mapaxes, zcorn=zcorn.astype(float), coord=coord.astype(float)) grid.set_state(spatial=False) if self.state.spatial: grid.to_spatial() if 'ACTNUM' in self: setattr(grid, 'ACTNUM', self.actnum) return grid
def create_vtk_grid(self, cell_size=None, scaling=True, **kwargs): """Creates pyvista UniformGrid grid object Params ------- cell_size : int or iterable, defines cells' size in the grid. If int, then the grid has the same cell size for each dimension. If iterable, then the length is 3, cell size for x, y, and z axis Returns ------- grid : `pyvista.core.pointset.UniformGrid` object """ _ = kwargs self._vtk_grid_params = {'use_only_active': False, 'cell_size': cell_size, 'scaling': scaling} indexes = np.moveaxis(np.indices(self.dimens), 0, -1).reshape(-1, 3) self._cell_id_d = dict(enumerate(indexes)) self._vtk_grid = vtk.vtkImageData() self._vtk_grid.SetDimensions(*(self.dimens + 1)) self._vtk_grid.SetSpacing(*self.cell_size) self._vtk_grid_scales = np.ones(3)
[docs]class CornerPointGrid(Grid): """Corner point grid.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'MAPAXES' not in self: setattr(self, 'MAPAXES', np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0])) @property def origin(self): """Grid axes origin relative to the map coordinates.""" return np.array([self.mapaxes[2], self.mapaxes[3], self.zcorn[0, 0, 0, 0]]) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (8, 3), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 8, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def xyz(self): """x, y, z coordinates of cells vertices.""" if not self.state.spatial: zcorn = self._to_spatial(attr='ZCORN', inplace=False) coord = self._to_spatial(attr='COORD', inplace=False) return numba_get_xyz(self.dimens, zcorn, coord).reshape([-1, 8, 3], order='F') return numba_get_xyz(self.dimens, self.zcorn, self.coord) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (3,), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def xyz_min(self): """Minimums of x, y, z coordinates of cells vertices.""" return np.min(, axis=-2) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (3,), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def xyz_max(self): """Maximums of x, y, z coordinates of cells vertices.""" return np.max(, axis=-2) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(tuple(self.dimens) + (3,), order='F') if self.state.spatial else x.reshape(-1, 3, order='F'), modify_cache=True ) def cell_centroids(self): """Centroids of cells.""" return @cached_property @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def cell_volumes(self): """Volumes of cells.""" return numba_get_volumes( @cached_property @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def bounding_box(self): """Pair of diagonal corner points for grid's bounding box.""" min_vals = self.xyz_min.min(axis=(0, 1, 2)) max_vals = self.xyz_max.max(axis=(0, 1, 2)) return np.array([min_vals, max_vals])
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def minimal_active_bounds(self): """Get z coordinates of top and bottom bounds of active cells.""" zcorn = self.zcorn.reshape(self.zcorn.shape[:3] + (2, 4)) z_top = get_top_z_coords(zcorn, self.actnum) z_bottom = -get_top_z_coords(-zcorn[:, :, ::-1, ::-1], self.actnum[:, :, ::-1]) return z_top, z_bottom
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def upscale(self, factors=(2, 2, 2), actnum_upscale='vote'): """Upscale grid according to factors given. Parameters ---------- factors : tuple, int Scale factors along each axis. If int, factors are the same for each axis. actnum_upscale : str Method to actnum upscaling. If 'vote', upscaled cell is active if majority of finer cells are active. If 'any', upscaled cell is active if any of finer cells is active. Default to 'vote'. Returns ------- grid : CornerPointGrid Upscaled grid. """ factors = np.atleast_1d(factors) if factors.size == 1: factors = np.repeat(factors, 3) coord = self.coord[::factors[0], ::factors[1]] dimens = self.dimens // factors d0, d1, d2 = dimens * factors s0, s1, s2 = factors zcorn = np.zeros(tuple(dimens) + (8,), dtype=self.zcorn.dtype) zcorn[:, :, :, 0] = self.zcorn[:d0:s0, :d1:s1, :d2:s2, 0] zcorn[:, :, :, 1] = self.zcorn[s0 - 1:d0:s0, :d1:s1, :d2:s2, 1] zcorn[:, :, :, 2] = self.zcorn[:d0:s0, s1 - 1:d1:s1, :d2:s2, 2] zcorn[:, :, :, 3] = self.zcorn[s0 - 1:d0:s0, s1 - 1:d1:s1, :d2:s2, 3] zcorn[:, :, :, 4] = self.zcorn[:d0:s0, :d1:s1, s2 - 1:d2:s2, 4] zcorn[:, :, :, 5] = self.zcorn[s0 - 1:d0:s0, :d1:s1, s2 - 1:d2:s2, 5] zcorn[:, :, :, 6] = self.zcorn[:d0:s0, s1 - 1:d1:s1, s2 - 1:d2:s2, 6] zcorn[:, :, :, 7] = self.zcorn[s0 - 1:d0:s0, s1 - 1:d1:s1, s2 - 1:d2:s2, 7] if 'ACTNUM' not in self: grid = self.__class__(coord=coord, dimens=dimens, zcorn=zcorn, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid out = rolling_window(self.actnum, factors) if actnum_upscale == 'vote': actnum = np.mean(out, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) > 0.5 elif actnum_upscale == 'any': actnum = np.sum(out, axis=(-3, -2, -1)) > 0 else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode of actnum upscaling: {}.'.format(actnum_upscale)) grid = self.__class__(coord=coord, dimens=dimens, zcorn=zcorn, mapaxes=self.mapaxes, actnum=actnum) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def orthogonalize(self, dimens, only_active=False): """Construct orthogonal uniform grid. Actnum tranfer should be made separately.""" nx, ny, nz = dimens xyz_corn =[self.actnum] if only_active else x_min = xyz_corn[..., 0].min() x_max = xyz_corn[..., 0].max() y_min = xyz_corn[..., 1].min() y_max = xyz_corn[..., 1].max() z_min = xyz_corn[..., 2].min() z_max = xyz_corn[..., 2].max() dx = (x_max - x_min) / nx dy = (y_max - y_min) / ny dz = (z_max - z_min) / nz mapaxes = np.array([x_min, y_min + 100, x_min, y_min, x_min + 100, y_min]) grid = OrthogonalUniformGrid(dimens=dimens, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz, tops=z_min, mapaxes=mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def crop_minimal_cube(self): """Crop to minimal cube containing active cells. Returns ------- (grid, min_slices) : tuple New grid and slices for active cube. """ min_slices = self.minimal_active_slices() actnum = self.actnum[min_slices] zcorn = self.zcorn[min_slices] min_coord_slices = tuple(slice(s.start, s.stop + 1) for s in min_slices[:2]) coord = self.coord[min_coord_slices] grid = self.__class__(actnum=actnum, coord=coord, dimens=np.array(actnum.shape), zcorn=zcorn, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid, min_slices
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def crop_minimal_grid(self, nz, fillna=None): """Create a new grid in a region between upper and bottom surfaces enclosing active cells. Actnum tranfer should be made separately. Parameters ---------- nz : int Third dimension of the cunstructed grid. fillna : scalar Filling value for nan coordinates. Returns ------- (grid, grid_mask, z_top, z_bottom) : tuple """ z_top, z_bottom = self.minimal_active_bounds() with warnings.catch_warnings(): # ignore comparison with np.nan warnings.simplefilter("ignore") grid_mask = ((self.zcorn[:, :, :, 0] >= np.expand_dims(z_top[:-1, :-1], -1)) & (self.zcorn[:, :, :, 4] <= np.expand_dims(z_bottom[:-1, :-1], -1))) def _fillna(x): """Replace np.nan with value if value is given.""" if not np.isnan(x): return x return x if fillna is None else fillna grid_points = np.stack([np.linspace(_fillna(start), _fillna(stop), nz + 1) for start, stop in zip(z_top.ravel(), z_bottom.ravel())]) grid_points = grid_points.reshape(z_top.shape + (nz + 1,)) zcorn = np.stack([grid_points[:-1, :-1, :-1], # 0 grid_points[1:, :-1, :-1], # 1 grid_points[:-1, 1:, :-1], # 2 grid_points[1:, 1:, :-1], # 3 grid_points[:-1, :-1, 1:], # 4 grid_points[1:, :-1, 1:], # 5 grid_points[:-1, 1:, 1:], # 6 grid_points[1:, 1:, 1:]], axis=-1) grid = self.__class__(coord=self.coord, dimens=np.array(zcorn.shape[:3]), zcorn=zcorn, mapaxes=self.mapaxes) grid.set_state(spatial=True) return grid, grid_mask, z_top, z_bottom
@property def as_corner_point(self): """Returns itself.""" return self @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def create_vtk_grid(self, use_only_active=True, scaling=True, **kwargs): """Creates pyvista unstructured grid object. Returns ------- grid : `pyvista.core.pointset.UnstructuredGrid` object """ _ = kwargs self._vtk_grid_params = {'use_only_active': use_only_active, 'cell_size': None, 'scaling': scaling} cells = indexes = np.moveaxis(np.indices(self.dimens), 0, -1) if 'ACTNUM' in self and use_only_active: cells = cells[self.actnum] indexes = indexes[self.actnum] else: cells = cells.reshape((-1,) + cells.shape[3:]) indexes = indexes.reshape((-1,) + indexes.shape[3:]) self._cell_id_d = dict(enumerate(indexes)) cells[:, [2, 3]] = cells[:, [3, 2]] cells[:, [6, 7]] = cells[:, [7, 6]] n_cells = cells.shape[0] cells = cells.reshape(-1, cells.shape[-1], order='C') cells = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(cells, deep=True) points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetNumberOfPoints(8*n_cells) points.SetData(cells) cell_array = vtk.vtkCellArray() cell = vtk.vtkHexahedron() connectivity = np.insert(range(8 * n_cells), range(0, 8 * n_cells, 8), 8).astype(np.int64) cell_array.SetCells(n_cells, numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(connectivity, deep=True)) self._vtk_grid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() self._vtk_grid.SetPoints(points) self._vtk_grid.SetCells(cell.GetCellType(), cell_array) @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def create_vtk_locator(self, use_only_active=True, scaling=False, **kwargs): """Creates locator and mapping dictionary. Returns ------- grid : `pyvista.core.pointset.UnstructuredGrid` object """ _ = kwargs grid_params = {'use_only_active': use_only_active, 'cell_size': None, 'scaling': scaling} if self._vtk_grid is None or self._vtk_grid_params != grid_params: self.create_vtk_grid(**grid_params) geo_filter = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() geo_filter.SetInputData(self._vtk_grid) geo_filter.Update() polydata = geo_filter.GetOutput() locator = vtk.vtkModifiedBSPTree() locator.LazyEvaluationOff() locator.SetDataSet(polydata) locator.AutomaticOn() locator.BuildLocator() self._vtk_locator = locator @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def point_inside_cell(self, point, cell_idx, tolerance=1e-8): """Determines whether point is inside cell or not. Returns ------- inside : bool Notes ----- Result might be inconsistent due to the stochastic nature of the algorithm. Decreasing the tolerance might help. """ x =[cell_idx[0], cell_idx[1], cell_idx[2]].copy() x[[2, 3]] = x[[3, 2]] x[[6, 7]] = x[[7, 6]] pts = [(0, 1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6, 7), (0, 1, 5, 4), (1, 2, 6, 5), (2, 3, 7, 6), (3, 0, 4, 7)] cube = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetDataTypeToDouble() polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(8): points.InsertPoint(i, x[i]) for i in range(6): polys.InsertNextCell(mk_vtk_id_list(pts[i])) cube.SetPoints(points) cube.SetPolys(polys) points = np.array([point]) vtk_pts = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_pts.SetDataTypeToDouble() vtk_pts.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(points, deep=1)) # Make the poly data poly_pts_vtp = vtk.vtkPolyData() poly_pts_vtp.SetPoints(vtk_pts) enclosed_points_filter = vtk.vtkSelectEnclosedPoints() enclosed_points_filter.SetTolerance(tolerance) enclosed_points_filter.SetSurfaceData(cube) enclosed_points_filter.SetInputData(poly_pts_vtp) enclosed_points_filter.Update() return enclosed_points_filter.IsInside(0)
[docs] def faces_centers(self, cells_indices): """Calculate coordinates of cell faces centers. Parameters ---------- cells_indices : List[np.ndarray] Indices of the cells. Returns ------- np.ndarray coordinates of cell faces centers. """ xyz =[cells_indices[0], cells_indices[1], cells_indices[2]] centers = [] for vertices in ( (0, 2, 4, 6), # left (1, 3, 5, 7), # right (0, 1, 4, 5), # back (2, 3, 6, 7), # front (0, 1, 2, 3), # top (4, 5, 6, 7) # bottom ): centers.append(xyz[..., vertices, :].mean(axis=-2)) centers = np.array(centers) if centers.ndim == 3: return np.moveaxis(centers, (0, 1), (1, 0)) return centers
[docs] def cell_sizes(self, cell_indices): """Calculate approximate sizes of cells. Parameters ---------- cells_indices : List[np.ndarray] Indices of the cells. Returns ------- np.ndarray Sizes of cells. """ faces_centers = self.faces_centers(cell_indices) n_cells = cell_indices[0].size if isinstance(cell_indices[0], np.ndarray) else 1 sizes = np.zeros((n_cells, 3)) for i in range(3): sizes[:, i] = np.sqrt((((faces_centers[..., 2*i+1, :] - faces_centers[..., 2*i+0, :])**2)).sum(axis=-1)) return sizes
[docs] def cell_bases(self, cell_indices): """Calculate basis vectors of coordinate systems connected to cells. Parameters ---------- cells_indices : List[np.ndarray] Indices of the cells. Returns ------- np.ndarray Basis vectors of coordinate systems connected to cells. """ faces_centers = self.faces_centers(cell_indices) i = faces_centers[..., 1, :] - faces_centers[..., 0, :] j = faces_centers[..., 3, :] - faces_centers[..., 2, :] z = np.cross(i, j) hat3 = (z.T / np.linalg.norm(z, axis=-1)).T x = i + np.cross(j, hat3) y = j - np.cross(i, hat3) hat1 = (x.T / np.linalg.norm(x, axis=-1)).T hat2 = (y.T / np.linalg.norm(y, axis=-1)).T return np.moveaxis(np.stack((hat1, hat2, hat3)), range(2), (1, 0))
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def map_grid(self): """Map pillars (`COORD`) to axis defined by `MAPAXES'. Returns ------- CornerPointGrid Grid with updated `COORD` and `MAPAXES` fields. """ if not np.isclose(, 0): raise ValueError('`ex` and `ey` vectors should be orthogonal.') new_basis = np.vstack((self.ex, self.ey)).T self.coord[:, :, :2] = self.coord[:, :, :2].dot(new_basis) + self.origin[:2] self.coord[:, :, 3:5] = self.coord[:, :, 3:5].dot(new_basis) + self.origin[:2] setattr(self, 'MAPAXES', np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0])) return self