Source code for deepfield.field.field

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Field class."""
import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
import weakref
from functools import partial
from string import Template
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import h5py
import pyvista as pv
from anytree import PreOrderIter
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

from .base_spatial import SpatialComponent
from .grids import OrthogonalUniformGrid, CornerPointGrid, Grid
from .rock import Rock
from .states import States
from .aquifer import Aquifers
from .wells import Wells
from .tables import Tables
from .rates import calc_rates, calc_rates_multiprocess

from .decorators import state_check, cached_property
from .parse_utils import (tnav_ascii_parser, preprocess_path,
                          dates_to_str, read_dates_from_buffer)
from .plot_utils import lines_from_points

from .template_models import (ORTHOGONAL_GRID, CORNERPOINT_GRID,
                              DEFAULT_TN_MODEL, DEFAULT_ECL_MODEL)
from .utils import get_single_path, get_well_mask, get_spatial_well_control, get_spatial_cf_and_perf
from .configs import default_config
from .dump_ecl_utils import egrid, init, restart, summary

ACTOR = None

COMPONENTS_DICT = {'cornerpointgrid': ['grid', CornerPointGrid],
                   'orthogonaluniformgrid': ['grid', OrthogonalUniformGrid],
                   'grid': ['grid', Grid],
                   'rock': ['rock', Rock],
                   'states': ['states', States],
                   'wells': ['wells', Wells],
                   'tables': ['tables', Tables],
                   'aquifers': ['aquifers', Aquifers]

DEFAULT_HUNITS = {'METRIC': ['sm3/day', 'ksm3/day', 'ksm3', 'Msm3', 'bara'],
                  'FIELD': ['stb/day', 'Mscf/day', 'Mstb', 'MMscf', 'psia']}

#pylint: disable=protected-access
class FieldState:
    """State holder."""
    def __init__(self, field):
        self._field = weakref.ref(field)

    def field(self):
        """Reference Field."""
        return self._field()

    def spatial(self):
        """Common state of spatial components."""
        states = np.array([comp.state.spatial for comp in self.field._components.values()
                           if isinstance(comp, SpatialComponent)])
        if 'wells' in self.field.components:
            states = np.concatenate([states, [self.field.wells.state.spatial]])
        if np.all(states):
            return True
        if np.all(~states):
            return False
        raise ValueError('Spatial components have different states.')

[docs]class Field: """Reservoir model. Contains components of reservoir model and preprocessing actions. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Path to source model files. config : dict, optional Components and attributes to load. logfile : str, optional Path to log file. enoding : str, optional Files encoding. Set 'auto' to infer encoding from initial file block. Sometimes it might help to specify block size, e.g. 'auto:3000' will read first 3000 bytes to infer encoding. loglevel : str, optional Log level to be printed while loading. Default to 'INFO'. """ def __init__(self, path=None, config=None, logfile=None, encoding='auto', loglevel='INFO'): self._path = preprocess_path(path) if path is not None else None self._encoding = encoding self._components = {} self._config = None self._meta = {'UNITS': 'METRIC', 'DATES': pd.to_datetime([]), 'FLUIDS': [], 'HUNITS': DEFAULT_HUNITS['METRIC']} self._state = FieldState(self) logging.shutdown() handlers = [logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)] if logfile is not None: handlers.append(logging.FileHandler(logfile, mode='w')) logging.basicConfig(handlers=handlers) self._logger = logging.getLogger('Field') self._logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, loglevel)) if self._path is not None: self._init_components(config) self._pyvista_grid = None self._pyvista_grid_params = {'use_only_active': True, 'cell_size': None, 'scaling': True} def _init_components(self, config): """Initialize components.""" fmt = self._path.suffix.strip('.').upper() if config is not None: config = {k.lower(): self._config_parser(v) for k, v in config.items()} if fmt == 'HDF5': with h5py.File(self._path, 'r') as f: keys = [k.lower() for k in f] if config is None: config = {k: {'attrs': None, 'kwargs': {}} for k in keys} elif 'grid' in config: if 'cornerpointgrid' in keys: config['cornerpointgrid'] = config.pop('grid') elif 'orthogonaluniformgrid' in keys: config['orthogonaluniformgrid'] = config.pop('grid') elif config is None:'Using default config.') config = {k.lower(): self._config_parser(v) for k, v in default_config.items()} self._components = {COMPONENTS_DICT[k][0]: COMPONENTS_DICT[k][1]() for k in config} self._config = {COMPONENTS_DICT[k][0]: v for k, v in config.items()} @staticmethod def _config_parser(value): """Separate config into attrs and kwargs.""" if isinstance(value, str): attrs = [value.upper()] kwargs = {} elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): attrs = [x.upper() for x in value] kwargs = {} elif isinstance(value, dict): attrs = value['attrs'] if attrs is None: pass elif isinstance(attrs, str): attrs = [attrs.upper()] else: attrs = [x.upper() for x in attrs] kwargs = {k: v for k, v in value.items() if k != 'attrs'} else: raise TypeError("Component's config should be of type str, list, tuple or dict. Found {}." .format(type(value))) return {'attrs': attrs, 'kwargs': kwargs}
[docs] def assert_components_available(self, *comp_names): # FIXME add to all the methods where required """Raises ValueError in case comp_names are not presented in self.""" for comp in comp_names: if not hasattr(self, comp): raise ValueError('Component %s is not loaded!' % comp)
@property def meta(self): """"Model meta data.""" return self._meta @property def state(self): """"Field state.""" return self._state @property def start(self): """Model start time in a datetime format.""" return pd.to_datetime(self.meta['START']) @property def path(self): """Path to original model.""" if self._path is not None: return str(self._path) raise ValueError("Model has no file to originate from.") @property def basename(self): """Model filename without extention.""" fname = os.path.basename(self.path) return os.path.splitext(fname)[0] @property def components(self): """Model components.""" return tuple(self._components.keys())
[docs] def items(self): """Returns pairs of components's names and instance.""" return self._components.items()
@property def grid(self): """Grid component.""" return self._components['grid'] @grid.setter def grid(self, x): """Grid component setter.""" self._components['grid'] = x return self @property def wells(self): """Wells component.""" return self._components['wells'] @wells.setter def wells(self, x): """Wells component setter.""" self._components['wells'] = x return self @property def rock(self): """Rock component.""" return self._components['rock'] @rock.setter def rock(self, x): """Rock component setter.""" self._components['rock'] = x return self @property def states(self): """States component.""" return self._components['states'] @states.setter def states(self, x): """States component setter.""" self._components['states'] = x return self @property def aquifers(self): """Aquifers component.""" return self._components['aquifers'] @aquifers.setter def aquifers(self, x): """States component setter.""" self._components['aquifers'] = x return self @property def tables(self): """Tables component.""" return self._components['tables'] @tables.setter def tables(self, x): """Tables component setter.""" self._components['tables'] = x return self
[docs] def get_spatial_connection_factors_and_perforation_ratio(self, date_range=None, mode=None): """Get model's connection factors and perforation ratios in a spatial form. Parameters ---------- date_range: tuple Minimal and maximal dates for events. mode: str, None If not None, pick the blocks only with specified mode. Returns ------- connection_factors: np.array perf_ratio: np.array """ return get_spatial_cf_and_perf(self, date_range=date_range, mode=mode)
@property def result_dates(self): """Result dates, actual if present, target otherwise.""" dates = self.wells.result_dates if not dates.empty: return dates if not self.meta['DATES'].empty: dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([self.start]).append(self.meta['DATES']) else: dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([self.start]).append(self.wells.event_dates) return pd.DatetimeIndex(dates.unique().date) @cached_property( lambda self, x: x.reshape(-1, order='F')[self.grid.actnum] if not self.state.spatial and x.ndim == 3 else x ) def well_mask(self): """Get the model's well mask in a spatial form. Returns ------- well_mask: np.array Array with well-names in cells which are registered as well-blocks and empty strings everywhere else. """ return get_well_mask(self)
[docs] def get_spatial_well_control(self, attrs, date_range=None, fill_shut=0., fill_outside=0.): """Get the model's control in a spatial form Parameters ---------- attrs: tuple or list Conrol attributes to get data from. date_range: tuple Minimal and maximal dates for control events. fill_shut: float Value to fill shutted perforations fill_outside: Value to fill non-perforated cells Returns ------- control: np.array """ return get_spatial_well_control(self, attrs, date_range=date_range, fill_shut=fill_shut, fill_outside=fill_outside)
[docs] def set_state(self, **kwargs): """State setter.""" for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self.state, k, v) return self
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deepcopy of Field.""" copy = self.__class__() for k, v in self.items(): setattr(copy, k, v.copy()) copy._meta = deepcopy(self.meta) #pylint: disable=protected-access return copy
[docs] def load(self, raise_errors=False, include_binary=True, spatial=True, fill_na=0.): """Load model components. Parameters ---------- raise_errors : bool Error handling mode. If True, errors will be raised and stop loading. If False, errors will be printed but do not stop loading. include_binary : bool Read data from binary files in RESULTS folder. Default to True. spatial : bool Return Field components is spatial state. fill_na: float Value to fill at non-active cells. Default to 0. Returns ------- out : Field Field with loaded components. """ name = os.path.basename(self._path) fmt = os.path.splitext(name)[1].strip('.') if fmt.upper() == 'HDF5': self._load_hdf5(raise_errors=raise_errors) elif fmt.upper() in ['DATA', 'DAT']: self._load_data(raise_errors=raise_errors, include_binary=include_binary) else: raise NotImplementedError('Format {} is not supported.'.format(fmt)) if 'grid' in self.components: if not isinstance(self.grid, (CornerPointGrid, OrthogonalUniformGrid)): if ('ZCORN' in self.grid) and ('COORD' in self.grid): self.grid = CornerPointGrid(**dict(self.grid.items())) else: self.grid = OrthogonalUniformGrid(**dict(self.grid.items())) if 'ACTNUM' not in self.grid and 'DIMENS' in self.grid: self.grid.actnum = np.full(, True) for k in self._components.values(): if isinstance(k, SpatialComponent): k.set_state(spatial=False) loaded = self._check_loaded_attrs() if 'WELLS' in loaded and 'COMPDAT' in loaded['WELLS']: self.meta['MODEL_TYPE'] = 'ECL' for node in self.wells: for attr in ['COMPDAT', 'WCONPROD', 'WCONINJE']: if attr in node: df = getattr(node, attr) df['DATE'] = df['DATE'].fillna(self.start) df.sort_values(by='DATE', inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if 'GRID' in loaded: self.wells.add_welltrack(self.grid) else: self.meta['MODEL_TYPE'] = 'TN' if spatial: self.to_spatial(fill_na=fill_na) if 'grid' in self.components and isinstance(self.grid, CornerPointGrid): self.grid.map_grid() ''.join(('Grid pillars (`COORD`) are mapped to new axis ', 'with respect to `MAPAXES`.'))) return self
[docs] def to_spatial(self, fill_na=0.): """Bring data to spatial state. Parameters ---------- fill_na: float Value to fill at non-active cells. Default to 0. Returns ------- out: Field Field in spatial representation. """ if 'grid' in self.components: self.grid.to_spatial() if 'rock' in self.components: if 'ACTNUM' in self.grid: self.rock.pad_na(actnum=self.grid.actnum, fill_na=float(fill_na)) self.rock.to_spatial(dimens=self.grid.dimens) if 'states' in self.components: if 'ACTNUM' in self.grid: self.states.pad_na(actnum=self.grid.actnum, fill_na=float(fill_na)) self.states.to_spatial(dimens=self.grid.dimens) if 'wells' in self.components and self.wells.state.has_blocks: self.wells.blocks_to_spatial(self.grid) return self
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Renamed to_spatial") def unravel(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `to_spatial` method.""" return self.to_spatial(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ravel(self, only_active=True): """Ravel data in spatial components. Parameters ---------- only_active : bool Strip non-active cells fron state vectors. Default is True. Returns ------- out: Field Field with reshaped spatial components. """ if 'grid' in self.components: self.grid.ravel() if 'rock' in self.components: self.rock.ravel() if only_active: self.rock.strip_na(actnum=self.grid.actnum) if 'states' in self.components: self.states.ravel() if only_active: self.states.strip_na(actnum=self.grid.actnum) if 'wells' in self.components and self.wells.state.has_blocks: self.wells.blocks_ravel(self.grid) return self
def _load_hdf5(self, raise_errors): """Load model in HDF5 format.""" with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as f: for k, v in f.attrs.items(): if k == 'DATES': self.meta['DATES'] = pd.to_datetime(v) else: self.meta[k] = v for comp, config in self._config.items(): getattr(self, comp).load(self.path, attrs=config['attrs'], raise_errors=raise_errors, logger=self._logger, **config['kwargs']) return self def _load_binary(self, raise_errors): """Load data from binary files in RESULTS folder.""" path_to_results = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), 'RESULTS') if not os.path.exists(path_to_results): if raise_errors: raise ValueError("RESULTS folder was not found in model directory.") self._logger.warning("RESULTS folder was not found in model directory.") return for comp in ['states', 'rock', 'grid', 'wells']: if comp in self._config: getattr(self, comp).load(path_to_results, attrs=self._config[comp]['attrs'], basename=self.basename, logger=self._logger, **self._config[comp]['kwargs']) def _load_data(self, raise_errors=False, include_binary=True): """Load model in DATA format.""" loaders = {} for k in ['ARRA', 'ARRAY', 'DATES', 'TITLE', 'START', 'METRIC', 'FIELD', 'HUNI', 'HUNITS', 'OIL', 'GAS', 'WATER', 'DISGAS', 'VAPOIL']: loaders[k] = partial(self._read_buffer, attr=k, logger=self._logger) if include_binary: self._load_binary(raise_errors=raise_errors) rsm = None for comp, config in self._config.items(): if config['attrs'] is not None: attrs = list(set(config['attrs']) - set(getattr(self, comp).attributes)) kwargs = config['kwargs'] if comp in ['grid', 'rock', 'states', 'tables']: for k in attrs: loaders[k] = partial(getattr(self, comp).load, attr=k, logger=self._logger, **kwargs) if comp == 'wells': extented_list = [] for k in attrs: if k in ['PERF', 'EVENTS']: extented_list.extend(['EFIL', 'EFILE', 'ETAB']) elif k == 'HISTORY': extented_list.extend(['HFIL', 'HFILE']) elif k == 'WELLTRACK': extented_list.extend(['TFIL', 'WELLTRACK']) elif k == 'RESULTS': continue else: extented_list.append(k) if kwargs.get('groups', True): extented_list.extend(['GROU', 'GROUP', 'GRUPTREE']) for k in set(extented_list): loaders[k] = partial(self.wells.load, attr=k, logger=self._logger, meta=self.meta, **kwargs) if 'RESULTS' in attrs: path_to_results = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.path), 'RESULTS') rsm = get_single_path(path_to_results, self.basename + '.RSM', self._logger) if rsm is None and not include_binary: if raise_errors: raise ValueError("RSM file was not found in model directory.") self._logger.warning("RSM file was not found in model directory.") if comp == 'aquifers': for k in ['AQCT', 'AQCO', 'AQUANCON', 'AQUCT']: loaders[k] = partial(self.aquifers.load, attr=k, logger=self._logger) tnav_ascii_parser(self._path, loaders, self._logger, encoding=self._encoding, raise_errors=raise_errors) if rsm is not None: self.wells.load(rsm, logger=self._logger) if 'VAPOIL' in self.meta['FLUIDS'] and 'tables' in self._config: # TODO should we make a kwarg for convertion key? self.tables.pvtg_to_pvdg(as_saturated=False) self.meta['FLUIDS'].remove('VAPOIL') self._logger.warning( """Vaporized oil option is not currently supported. PVTG table will be converted into PVDG one.""" ) return self def _read_buffer(self, buffer, attr, logger): """Load model meta attributes.""" if attr in ['TITLE', 'START']: self.meta[attr] = next(buffer).split('/')[0].strip(' \t\n\'\""') elif attr == 'DATES': date = pd.to_datetime(next(buffer).split('/')[:1]) self.meta['DATES'] = self.meta['DATES'].append(date) elif attr in ['ARRA', 'ARRAY']: dates = read_dates_from_buffer(buffer, attr, logger) self.meta['DATES'] = self.meta['DATES'].append(dates) elif attr in ['METRIC', 'FIELD']: self.meta['UNITS'] = attr elif attr in ['HUNI', 'HUNITS']: self._read_hunits(next(buffer)) elif attr in ['OIL', 'GAS', 'WATER', 'DISGAS', 'VAPOIL']: self.meta['FLUIDS'].append(attr) else: raise NotImplementedError("Keyword {} is not supported.".format(attr)) return self def _read_hunits(self, line): """Parse HUNIts from line.""" units = line.strip('/\t\n ').split() self.meta['HUNITS'] = [] defaults = DEFAULT_HUNITS[self.meta['UNITS']] for k in units: if '*' in k: n = int(k[0]) nread = len(self.meta['HUNITS']) self.meta['HUNITS'].extend(defaults[nread: nread + n]) else: self.meta['HUNITS'].append(k) assert len(self.meta['HUNITS']) == len(defaults), 'Missmatch of HUNITS array length' return self def _check_loaded_attrs(self): """Collect loaded attributes and fill defaults for missing ones.""" out = {}"===== Field summary =====") if 'START' not in self.meta: self._meta['START'] = '1 JAN 1973' #default ECLIPSE/tNavigator start date self._logger.warning("Missed start date, set default 1 JAN 1973.") if 'FLUIDS' not in self.meta: self._meta['FLUIDS'] = ['OIL', 'GAS', 'WATER', 'DISGAS'] self._logger.warning("FLUIDS are not found, set default ['OIL', 'GAS', 'WATER', 'DISGAS'].") if not self.meta['DATES'].empty: dates = pd.DatetimeIndex([self.start]).append(self.meta['DATES']) if not ((dates[1:] - dates[:-1]) > pd.Timedelta(0)).all(): self._logger.error('Start date and DATES are not monotone.') for comp in self.components: if comp == 'wells': attrs = [] for node in PreOrderIter(self.wells.root): attrs.extend(list(node.attributes)) attrs = list(set(attrs)) elif comp == 'aquifers': attrs = [] for _, aqf in self.aquifers.items(): attrs.extend(list(aqf.attributes)) attrs = list(set(attrs)) else: attrs = getattr(self, comp).attributes msg = "{} attributes: {}".format(comp.upper(), ', '.join(attrs)) out[comp.upper()] = attrs"=========================") return out
[docs] def dump(self, path=None, mode='a', data=True, results=True, title=None, **kwargs): """Dump model components. Parameters ---------- path : str Common path for output files. If None path will be inherited from model path. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'a'. data : bool Dump initial model data. No effect for HDF5 output. Default True. results : bool Dump calculated results. No effect for HDF5 output. Default True. title : str Model name. No effect for HDF5 output. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments to ``dump``. Returns ------- out : Field Field unchanged. """ if title is None: title = self.meta.get('TITLE', 'Untitled') if path is None: dir_path = str(self._path.parent) return self._dump_binary_results(dir_path, mode, title=title) name = os.path.basename(path) fmt = os.path.splitext(name)[1].strip('.') if fmt.upper() == 'HDF5': return self._dump_hdf5(path, mode=mode, **kwargs) if fmt == '': dir_path = os.path.join(path, title) if not os.path.exists(dir_path): os.mkdir(dir_path) if data: self._dump_ascii(dir_path, title=title, **kwargs) if results and not self.wells.result_dates.empty: self._dump_binary_results(dir_path, mode, title=title) else: raise NotImplementedError('Format {} is not supported.'.format(fmt)) return self
def _dump_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', only_active=False, reduce_floats=True, **kwargs): """Dump model into HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'a'. only_active : bool Keep state values in active cells only. Default to False. reduce_floats : bool if True, float precision will be reduced to np.float32 to save disk space. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments to component's ``dump``. Returns ------- out : Field Field unchanged. """ float_precision = { 'grid': np.float32 if reduce_floats else None, 'rock': np.float32 if reduce_floats else None, 'states': np.float32 if reduce_floats else None, } with h5py.File(path, mode) as f: for k, v in self.meta.items(): if k == 'DATES': f.attrs['DATES'] = [str(d) for d in v] else: f.attrs[k] = v for k, comp in self.items(): if k == 'states': comp.dump(path=path, mode='a', float_dtype=float_precision.get(k, None), actnum=self.grid.actnum if only_active else None, **kwargs) else: comp.dump(path=path, mode='a', float_dtype=float_precision.get(k, None), **kwargs) return self def _dump_ascii(self, dir_path, title, **kwargs): """Dump model's data files in tNav project. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Directory where model files will be placed. title : str Model title. kwargs : misc Any additional named arguments that will be substituted to model template file. Returns ------- out : Field Field unchanged. """ dir_inc = os.path.join(dir_path, 'INCLUDE') if not os.path.exists(dir_inc): os.mkdir(dir_inc) datafile = os.path.join(dir_path, title + '.data') model_type = self.meta.get('MODEL_TYPE', 'TN') if model_type == 'TN': template = Template(DEFAULT_TN_MODEL) elif model_type == 'ECL': template = Template(DEFAULT_ECL_MODEL) else: raise ValueError('Unknown model type {}'.format(model_type)) fill_values = {'title': title, 'units': self.meta['UNITS']} fill_values['phases'] = '\n'.join(self.meta['FLUIDS']) if 'START' in self.meta: fill_values['start'] = self.meta['START'] fill_values['dates'] = dates_to_str(self.result_dates) fill_values['dimens'] = ' '.join(self.grid.dimens.astype(str)) fill_values['size'] = if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): template = Template(template.safe_substitute(grid_specs=ORTHOGONAL_GRID)) fill_values.update(dict( mapaxes=' '.join(self.grid.mapaxes.astype(str)), dx=str(self.grid.dx), dy=str(self.grid.dy), dz=str(, tops=str(self.grid.dimens[0] * self.grid.dimens[1]) + '*' + str(self.grid.tops) )) elif isinstance(self.grid, CornerPointGrid): template = Template(template.safe_substitute(grid_specs=CORNERPOINT_GRID)) coord = os.path.join('INCLUDE', '') self.grid.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, coord), attrs='COORD', compressed=False) zcorn = os.path.join('INCLUDE', '') self.grid.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, zcorn), attrs='ZCORN') fill_values.update({'coord': coord, 'zcorn': zcorn}) else: raise NotImplementedError("Dump for grid of type {} is not implemented." .format(self.grid.__class__.__name__)) inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', '') self.grid.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc), attrs='ACTNUM', fmt='%i') fill_values['actnum'] = inc tmp = '' for attr in self.rock.attributes: tmp += "INCLUDE\n'${}'\n\n".format(attr.lower()) inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', attr.lower() + '.inc') self.rock.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc), attrs=attr, fmt='%.3f') fill_values[attr.lower()] = inc template = Template(template.safe_substitute(rock=tmp)) tmp = '' if 'aquifers' in self.components: tmp += "INCLUDE\n'${} '/\n/\n\n".format('aquifers_file') inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', '') self.aquifers.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc)) fill_values['aquifers_file'] = inc template = Template(template.safe_substitute(aquifers=tmp)) if model_type == 'TN': attrs = ['welltrack', 'perf', 'group', 'events'] elif model_type == 'ECL': attrs = ['gruptree', 'schedule', 'welspecs'] for attr in attrs: inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', attr + '.inc') self.wells.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc), attr=attr, grid=self.grid, dates=self.result_dates, start_date=self.start) fill_values[attr] = inc tmp = '' if 'states' in self.components: for attr in self.states.attributes: tmp += "INCLUDE\n'${}'\n\n".format(attr.lower()) inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', attr.lower() + '.inc') self.states.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc), attrs=attr, fmt='%.3f') fill_values[attr.lower()] = inc template = Template(template.safe_substitute(states=tmp)) tmp = '' if 'tables' in self.components: for attr in self.tables.attributes: tmp += "INCLUDE\n'${}'\n\n".format(attr.lower()) inc = os.path.join('INCLUDE', attr.lower() + '.inc') self.tables.dump(os.path.join(dir_path, inc), attrs=attr) fill_values[attr.lower()] = inc template = Template(template.safe_substitute(tables=tmp)) template = Template(template.safe_substitute(fill_values)) template = Template(template.safe_substitute(kwargs)) out = template.safe_substitute() missing = Template.pattern.findall(out) if missing: self._logger.warning('Dump missed values for %s.', ', '.join([i[1] for i in missing])) with open(datafile, 'w') as f: f.writelines(out) return self def _dump_binary_results(self, dir_path, mode, title): """Dump model's binary result files in tNav project. Parameters ---------- dir_path : str Path to location where RESULTS directory will be created. title : str Model title. Returns ------- out : Field Field unchanged. """ dir_res = os.path.join(dir_path, 'RESULTS') if not os.path.exists(dir_res): os.mkdir(dir_res) grid_dim = self.grid.dimens time_size = self.states.n_timesteps dir_name = os.path.join(dir_res, title) units_type = { 'METRIC': 1, 'FIELD': 2, 'LAB': 3, 'PVT-M': 4, }[self.meta['UNITS']] grid_type = { 'CornerPointGrid': 0, 'OrthogonalUniformGrid': 3, }[self.grid.class_name] grid_format = { 'CornerPointGrid': 1, 'OrthogonalUniformGrid': 2, }.get(self.grid.class_name, 0)# 0 - Unknown; 1 - Corner point; 2 - Block centered i_phase = 0 for elem in self.meta['FLUIDS']: i_phase += {'OIL': 1, 'WATER': 2, 'GAS': 4}.get(elem, 0) egrid.save_egrid(self.grid.as_corner_point, dir_name, grid_dim, grid_format, mode) init.save_init(self.rock, dir_name, grid_dim, self.grid.actnum.sum(), units_type, grid_type, self.start, i_phase, mode) is_unified = True restart.save_restart(is_unified, dir_name, [self.states.strip_na(attr='PRESSURE', actnum=self.grid.as_corner_point.actnum, inplace=False), self.states.strip_na(attr='SGAS', actnum=self.grid.as_corner_point.actnum, inplace=False), self.states.strip_na(attr='SOIL', actnum=self.grid.as_corner_point.actnum, inplace=False), self.states.strip_na(attr='SWAT', actnum=self.grid.as_corner_point.actnum, inplace=False), self.states.strip_na(attr='RS', actnum=self.grid.as_corner_point.actnum, inplace=False)], self.result_dates, grid_dim, time_size, mode, self._logger) rates = {} for well in self.wells.main_branches: curr_rates = self.wells[well].total_rates rates[well] = {} for k in ['WWPR', 'WOPR', 'WGPR']: if k in curr_rates: rates[well][k.lower()] = curr_rates[k].values.astype('float64') summary.save_summary(is_unified, dir_name, rates, self.result_dates, grid_dim, mode, self._logger) return self
[docs] def calculate_rates(self, wellnames=None, cf_aggregation='sum', multiprocessing=True, verbose=True): """Calculate oil/water/gas rates for each well segment. Parameters ---------- wellnames : list of str Wellnames for rates calculation. If None, all wells are included. Default to None. cf_aggregation: str, 'sum' or 'eucl' The way of aggregating cf projection ('sum' - sum, 'eucl' - Euclid norm). Returns ------- rates : pd.DataFrame pd.Dataframe filled with production rates for each phase. block_rates : pd.DataFrame of ndarrays pd.Dataframe filled with arrays of production rates in each grid block. """ timesteps = self.result_dates if wellnames is None: wellnames = self.wells.names if multiprocessing: calc_rates_multiprocess(self, timesteps, wellnames, cf_aggregation, verbose) else: calc_rates(self, timesteps, wellnames, cf_aggregation, verbose) return self
[docs] def history_to_results(self): """Convert history to results.""" for node in self.wells: if node.is_main_branch and not hasattr(node, 'history'): self.wells.drop( for node in self.wells: if hasattr(node, 'results'): delattr(node, 'results') rename = {'QOIL': 'WOPR', 'QGAS': 'WGPR', 'QWAT': 'WWPR', 'QWIN': 'WWIR', 'BHP': 'WBHP'} for node in self.wells: if node.is_main_branch: new_results = node.history.rename(columns=rename)[['DATE'] + list(rename.values())] node.results = new_results.drop_duplicates(subset='DATE') node.results = node.results.reset_index(drop=True) return self
# pylint: disable=protected-access def _create_pyvista_grid(self): """Creates pyvista grid object with attributes.""" if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): self._pyvista_grid = pv.UniformGrid(self.grid._vtk_grid) elif isinstance(self.grid, CornerPointGrid): self._pyvista_grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid(self.grid._vtk_grid) attributes = {} active_cells = self.grid.actnum if 'ACTNUM' in self.grid else np.full(self.grid.dimens, True) def make_data(data): if self.grid._vtk_grid_params['use_only_active']: return data[active_cells].astype(float) new_data = data.copy() new_data[~active_cells] = np.nan return new_data.ravel().astype(float) attributes.update({'ACTNUM': make_data(active_cells)}) if 'rock' in self.components: attributes.update({attr: make_data(data) for attr, data in self.rock.items()}) if 'states' in self.components: for attr, sequence in self.states.items(): attributes.update({'%s_%d' % (attr, i): make_data(snapshot) for i, snapshot in enumerate(sequence)}) self._pyvista_grid.cell_arrays.update(attributes) def _add_welltracks(self, plotter, add_mesh_kwargs=None): """Adds all welltracks to the plot.""" well_tracks = { self.wells[].welltrack[:, :3].copy() for node in self.wells if 'WELLTRACK' in node.attributes} if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): for _, value in well_tracks.items(): value -= self.grid.origin labeled_points = {} if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): dz = self._pyvista_grid.bounds[5] - self._pyvista_grid.bounds[4] z_min = self._pyvista_grid.bounds[4] - 0.1 * dz else: z_min = self._pyvista_grid.bounds[4] for well_name, value in well_tracks.items(): wtrack_idx, first_intersection = self.wells[well_name]._first_entering_point # pylint: disable=protected-access if first_intersection is not None: if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): first_intersection -= self.grid.origin value = np.concatenate([np.array([[first_intersection[0], first_intersection[1], z_min]]), np.asarray(first_intersection).reshape(1, -1), value[wtrack_idx + 1:]]) else: value = np.concatenate([np.array([[value[0, 0], value[0, 1], z_min]]), value]) pv_line = lines_from_points(value) add_mesh_kwargs_ = {'line_width': 2, 'color': 'k'} if isinstance(add_mesh_kwargs, dict): add_mesh_kwargs_.update(add_mesh_kwargs) plotter.add_mesh(pv_line, **add_mesh_kwargs_) labeled_points[well_name] = pv_line.points[0] return labeled_points
[docs] @state_check(lambda state: state.spatial) def show(self, attr=None, opacity=0.5, thresholding=False, slicing=False, timestamp=None, use_only_active=True, cell_size=None, scaling=True, cmap=None, show_wells=True, notebook=False, theme='default', show_labels=True): """Field visualization. Parameters ---------- attr: str or None Attribute of the grid to show. If None, ACTNUM will be shown. opacity: float or None Opacity of the visualization. Default is 0.5. thresholding: bool Show slider for thresholding. Cells with attribute value less than threshold will not be shown. Default False. slicing: bool Show by slices. Default False. timestamp: int or None The timestamp to show. Meaningful only for sequential attributes (States). Has no effect given non-sequential attributes. use_only_active: bool Corner point grid creation using only active cells. Default to True. cell_size: int Cell size for orthogonal uniform grid. scaling: bool, list or tuple The ratio of the axes in case of iterable, if True then it's (1, 1, 1), if False then it is natural. Default True. cmap: object Matplotlib, Colorcet, cmocean, or custom colormap show_wells: bool Show well trajectories. Default True. notebook: bool When True, the resulting plot is placed inline a jupyter notebook. Assumes a jupyter console is active. Automatically enables off_screen. theme: str PyVista theme, e.g. 'default', 'night', 'document'. See for more options. show_labels: bool Show x, y, z axis labels. Default True. """ attribute = 'ACTNUM' if attr is None else attr.upper() pv.rcParams["camera"]["viewup"] = [0, 0, -1] pv.rcParams["camera"]['position'] = [1, 1, -0.3] grid_params = {'use_only_active': use_only_active, 'cell_size': cell_size, 'scaling': scaling} if isinstance(self.grid, OrthogonalUniformGrid): grid_params['use_only_active'] = False plot_params = {'show_edges': False, 'nan_opacity': 0.0, 'cmap': cmap} if show_wells and 'wells' in self.components: self.wells._get_first_entering_point(grid=self.grid) old_vtk_grid_params = self.grid._vtk_grid_params if self.grid._vtk_grid is None or old_vtk_grid_params != grid_params: self.grid.create_vtk_grid(**grid_params) if self._pyvista_grid is None or old_vtk_grid_params != grid_params: self._create_pyvista_grid() grid = self._pyvista_grid sequential = ('states' in self.components) and (attribute in self.states) pv.set_plot_theme(theme) plotter = pv.Plotter(notebook=notebook, title='Field') opacity_widget = opacity is None threshold_widget = thresholding timestamp_widget = sequential and timestamp is None slice_xyz_widget = slicing if not thresholding: if sequential: threshold = min([np.nanmin(grid.cell_arrays[f"{attribute}_{i}"]) for i in range(self.states.n_timesteps)]) else: threshold = np.nanmin(grid.cell_arrays[attribute]) threshold = np.asscalar(threshold) else: threshold = 0 widget_values = { 'plotter': plotter, 'grid': grid, 'attribute': attribute, 'opacity': 0.5 if opacity is None else opacity, 'threshold': threshold, 'slice_xyz': np.array(grid.bounds).reshape(3, 2).mean(axis=1) if slicing else None, 'timestamp': None if not sequential else 0 if timestamp is None else timestamp, 'plot_params': plot_params, } def _create_mesh_wrapper(**kwargs): widget_values.update(kwargs) return create_mesh(**kwargs) plotter = _create_mesh_wrapper(**widget_values) slider_positions = [ {'pointa': (0.03, 0.90), 'pointb': (0.30, 0.90)}, {'pointa': (0.36, 0.90), 'pointb': (0.63, 0.90)}, {'pointa': (0.69, 0.90), 'pointb': (0.97, 0.90)}, {'pointa': (0.03, 0.76), 'pointb': (0.30, 0.76)}, {'pointa': (0.36, 0.76), 'pointb': (0.63, 0.76)}, {'pointa': (0.69, 0.76), 'pointb': (0.97, 0.76)}, ] if opacity_widget: def ch_opacity(x): return _create_mesh_wrapper( opacity=x, **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'opacity'} ) slider_pos = slider_positions.pop(0) slider_range = [0., 1.] plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_opacity, rng=slider_range, title='Opacity', **slider_pos) if threshold_widget: def ch_threshold(x): return _create_mesh_wrapper( threshold=x, **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'threshold'} ) slider_pos = slider_positions.pop(0) if sequential: trange = np.arange(self.states.n_timesteps) if timestamp is None else [timestamp] min_slider = min([np.nanmin(grid.cell_arrays[f"{attribute}_{i}"]) for i in trange]) max_slider = max([np.nanmax(grid.cell_arrays[f"{attribute}_{i}"]) for i in trange]) slider_range = [min_slider, max_slider] else: slider_range = [np.nanmin(grid.cell_arrays[attribute]), np.nanmax(grid.cell_arrays[attribute])] plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_threshold, rng=slider_range, title='Threshold', **slider_pos) if timestamp_widget: def ch_timestamp(x): return _create_mesh_wrapper( timestamp=int(x), **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'timestamp'} ) slider_pos = slider_positions.pop(0) slider_range = [0, self.states.n_timesteps - 1] plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_timestamp, rng=slider_range, value=0, title='Timestamp', **slider_pos) if slice_xyz_widget: def ch_slice_x(x): new_slice_xyz = list(widget_values['slice_xyz']) new_slice_xyz[0] = x return _create_mesh_wrapper( slice_xyz=tuple(new_slice_xyz), **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'slice_xyz'} ) def ch_slice_y(y): new_slice_xyz = list(widget_values['slice_xyz']) new_slice_xyz[1] = y return _create_mesh_wrapper( slice_xyz=tuple(new_slice_xyz), **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'slice_xyz'} ) def ch_slice_z(z): new_slice_xyz = list(widget_values['slice_xyz']) new_slice_xyz[2] = z return _create_mesh_wrapper( slice_xyz=tuple(new_slice_xyz), **{k: v for k, v in widget_values.items() if k != 'slice_xyz'} ) x_pos, y_pos, z_pos = slider_positions[:3] x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = grid.bounds plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_slice_x, rng=[x_min, x_max], title='X', **x_pos) plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_slice_y, rng=[y_min, y_max], title='Y', **y_pos) plotter.add_slider_widget(ch_slice_z, rng=[z_min, z_max], title='Z', **z_pos) if show_wells and 'wells' in self.components: labeled_points = self._add_welltracks(plotter) (labels, points) = zip(*labeled_points.items()) def show_well_name(value): if value: plotter.add_point_labels(points, labels, point_size=2, font_size=10, name='wells_names') else: plotter.remove_actor('wells_names') if not notebook: plotter.add_checkbox_button_widget(show_well_name, value=False) plotter.add_text(" Wells' names", position=(10.0, 10.0), font_size=16) scaling = np.asarray(scaling).ravel() if len(scaling) == 1 and scaling[0]: scales = np.diff(self.grid.bounding_box, axis=0).ravel() plotter.set_scale(*(scales.max() / scales)) elif len(scaling) == 3: plotter.set_scale(*scaling) plotter.show_grid(show_xlabels=show_labels, show_ylabels=show_labels, show_zlabels=show_labels)
def create_mesh(plotter, grid, attribute, opacity, threshold, slice_xyz, timestamp, plot_params): """Create mesh for pyvista visualisation.""" plotter.remove_actor('actor') try: plotter.remove_scalar_bar() except IndexError: pass if timestamp is None: grid.set_active_scalars(attribute) else: grid.set_active_scalars('%s_%d' % (attribute, timestamp)) if threshold is not None: grid = grid.threshold(threshold, continuous=True) if slice_xyz is not None: grid = grid.slice_orthogonal(x=slice_xyz[0], y=slice_xyz[1], z=slice_xyz[2]) plot_params['scalar_bar_args'] = dict(label_font_size=12, width=0.5, position_y=0.03, position_x=0.45) plotter.add_mesh(grid, name='actor', opacity=opacity, stitle='', **plot_params) if timestamp is None: plotter.add_text(attribute, position='upper_edge', name='title', font_size=14) else: plotter.add_text('%s, t=%s' % (attribute, timestamp), position='upper_edge', name='title', font_size=14) return plotter