Source code for deepfield.field.base_spatial

"""SpatialComponent class."""
import numpy as np
import skimage
from skimage.transform import rescale, resize
import scipy
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

from .base_component import BaseComponent
from .decorators import apply_to_each_input, add_actions, extract_actions, TEMPLATE_DOCSTRING

    "pad": (np.pad, "numpy.pad", "padded array"),
    "flip": (np.flip, "numpy.flip", "reversed order of elements in an array along the given axis"),
    "clip": (np.clip, "numpy.clip", "array of cliped values"),
    "rot90": (np.rot90, "numpy.rot90", "rotated an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes"),
    "gradient": (np.gradient, "numpy.gradient", "gradient"),
    "resize": (resize, "skimage.transform.resize", "resize"),
    "rescale": (rescale, "skimage.transform.rescale", "rescale"),
    "crop": (skimage.util.crop, "crop", "cropped array by crop_width along each dimension"),
    "random_noise": (skimage.util.random_noise, "random_noise",
                     "array with added random noise of various types"),

[docs]@add_actions(extract_actions(scipy.ndimage), TEMPLATE_DOCSTRING) @add_actions(ACTIONS_DICT, TEMPLATE_DOCSTRING) class SpatialComponent(BaseComponent): """Base component for spatial-type attributes.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.init_state(spatial=None)
[docs] def sample_crops(self, attr, shape, size=1): """Sample random crops of fixed shape. Parameters ---------- attr : str, array-like Attributes to sample crops from. If None, use all attributes. shape : tuple Shape of crops. size : int, optional Number of crops to sample. Default to 1. Returns ------- crops : ndarray Sampled crops. """ is_list = True if isinstance(attr, str): attr = [attr] is_list = False if attr is None: attr = self.attributes data_shape = np.array(getattr(self, attr[0]).shape) valid_range = data_shape - np.array(shape) before = np.array([np.random.randint(0, d, size=size) for d in valid_range]).T after = valid_range - before res = [self.crop(attr=attr, crop_width=list(zip(before[i], after[i]))) for i in range(size)] res = np.swapaxes(res, 0, 1) return res[0] if is_list else res
[docs] def ravel(self, attr=None, inplace=True, **kwargs): """Brings component to ravel state. If not inplace returns ravel representation for attributes with pre-defined ravel transformation. Parameters ---------- attr : str, array of str Attribute to ravel. inplace : bool Modify сomponent inplace. kwargs : misc Additional named arguments. Returns ------- out : component if inplace else raveled attribute. """ if attr is not None and inplace: raise ValueError('`attr` should be None for inplace operation.') res = self._ravel(attr=attr, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) if not inplace: return res self.set_state(spatial=False) return self
def _ravel(self, attr, inplace, **kwargs): """Ravel transformations.""" return super().ravel(attr=attr, inplace=inplace, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_spatial(self, attr=None, inplace=True, **kwargs): """Bring component to spatial state. If not inplace returns spatial representation for attributes with pre-defined spatial transformation. Parameters ---------- attr : str, array of str Attribute to ravel. inplace : bool Modify сomponent inplace. kwargs : misc Additional named arguments. Returns ------- out : сomponent if inplace else raveled attribute. """ if attr is not None and inplace: raise ValueError('`attr` should be None for inplace operation.') res = self._to_spatial(attr=attr, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) if not inplace: return res self.set_state(spatial=True) return self
@apply_to_each_input def _to_spatial(self, attr, inplace, **kwargs): """Spatial transformations.""" _ = attr, inplace, kwargs raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @deprecated(reason="Renamed to_spatial") def unravel(self, *args, **kwargs): """Alias for `to_spatial` method.""" return self.to_spatial(*args, **kwargs)
def _make_data_dump(self, attr, fmt=None, **kwargs): _ = fmt, kwargs return self.ravel(attr=attr, order='F', inplace=False)