Source code for deepfield.field.aquifer

"""Classes and routines for handling aquifers."""
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import h5py

from .base_component import BaseComponent

[docs]class Aquifers(BaseComponent): """ Aquifers component class. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self._aquifers = OrderedDict()
[docs] def items(self): """Returns pairs of aquifer's names and data.""" return self._aquifers.items()
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deepcopy of attributes. Cached properties are not copied.""" copy = super().copy() for name in self.names: copy[name] = self[name].copy() return copy
@property def names(self): """Returns names of the aquifers.""" return tuple(self._aquifers.keys())
[docs] def randomize(self, randomizers, inplace=False): """Randomize properties of the aquifers Parameters ---------- randomizers : dict Dict of the structure {parameter_name: Callable returning value, being added to the original value}. inplace : bool, optional Perform operations inplace or return copy, by default False Returns ------- Aquifers Randomized aquifers. """ if inplace: aquifers = self else: aquifers = self.copy() for aq_name in aquifers.names: aquif = aquifers[aq_name] for name, r in randomizers.items(): setattr(aquif, name, getattr(aquif, name) + r()) return aquifers
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._aquifers[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._aquifers[key] = value def _read_buffer(self, buffer, attr, **kwargs): """Load aquifers data from an ASCII file. Parameters ---------- buffer : StringIteratorIO Buffer to get string from. attr : str Data format. Returns ------- comp : Aquifers Aquifers component with loaded aquifers data. """ if attr == 'AQCT': return self._load_aqct(buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'AQCO': return self._load_aqco(buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'AQUANCON': return self._load_aquancon(buffer, **kwargs) if attr == 'AQUCT': return self._load_aquct(buffer, **kwargs) return self def _load_aquancon(self, buffer, logger=None, **kwargs): """load AQUANCON keyword""" _ = kwargs while True: line = next(buffer) if line.strip()[0] == '/': break if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue params = (line.replace('/', '').split()) if params[0] not in self._aquifers: self[params[0]] = Aquifer(name=params[0]) properties = { 'slices' : ( slice(int(params[1])-1, int(params[2])), slice(int(params[3])-1, int(params[4])), slice(int(params[5])-1, int(params[6])) ), 'face': params[7] } for key, value in properties.items(): if key in self[params[0]].attributes and logger is not None: logger.warning('Aquifer {} has attribute {}. Will be replaced.'.format( params[0], key )) setattr(self[params[0]], key, value) return self def _load_aquct(self, buffer, logger=None, **kwargs): """load AQUCT keyword""" _ = kwargs while True: line = next(buffer) if line.strip()[0] == '/': break if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue params = (line.replace('/', '').split()) if params[0] not in self._aquifers: self[params[0]] = Aquifer(name=params[0]) properties = { 'depth' : float(params[1]), 'initial_pressure': float(params[2]), 'perm' : float(params[3]), 'poro' : float(params[4]), 'compressibility': float(params[5]), 'r': float(params[6]), 'height': float(params[7]), 'angle': float(params[8]), } for key, value in properties.items(): if key in self[params[0]].attributes and logger is not None: logger.warning('Aquifer {} has attribute {}. Will be replaced.'.format( params[0], key )) setattr(self[params[0]], key, value) return self def _load_aqct(self, buffer, logger=None, **kwargs): """load AQCT keyword.""" _ = kwargs line = next(buffer) params = line.split() if params[1] not in self._aquifers: self[params[1]] = Aquifer(name=params[0]) properties = { 'depth' : float(params[2]), 'perm' : float(params[3]), 'poro' : float(params[4]), 'compressibility': float(params[5]), 'r': float(params[6]), 'angle': float(params[7]), 'height': float(params[8]), 'initial_pressure': float(params[9]), 'viscosity': float(params[10]), 'equi': params[11], } for key, value in properties.items(): if key in self[params[1]].attributes and logger is not None: logger.warning('Aquifer {} has attribute {}. Will be replaced.'.format( params[0], key )) setattr(self[params[1]], key, value) return self
[docs] def crop_minimal_cube(self, slices): """ Modify aquifers' cell inndices with respect to slices representing grid crop. Parameters ---------- slices : Iterable(slices) slices Returns ------- Aquifers Aquifers with changed well indices. """ for aquifer in self._aquifers.values(): aquifer.crop_minimal_cube(slices) return self
def _load_aqco(self, buffer, logger=None): """load AQCO keyword.""" line = next(buffer) params = line.split() if params[1] not in self._aquifers: self[params[1]] = Aquifer(name=params[1]) properties = { 'slices' : ( slice(int(params[2])-1, int(params[3])), slice(int(params[4])-1, int(params[5])), slice(int(params[6])-1, int(params[7])) ), 'face': params[8] } for key, value in properties.items(): if key in self[params[1]].attributes and logger is not None: logger.warning('Aquifer {} has attribute {}. Will be replaced.'.format( params[0], key )) setattr(self[params[1]], key, value) return self def _dump_hdf5(self, path, mode='a', state=True, **kwargs): #pylint: disable=too-many-branches """Save data into HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'a'. state : bool Dump compoments's state. Returns ------- comp : Aquifers Aquifers unchanged. """ _ = kwargs with h5py.File(path, mode) as f: aquifers = f[self.class_name] if self.class_name in f else f.create_group(self.class_name) if state: for k, v in self.state.as_dict().items(): aquifers.attrs[k] = v for aquif in self._aquifers.values(): aq_path = grp = aquifers[aq_path] if aq_path in aquifers else aquifers.create_group(aq_path) if 'data' not in grp: grp_data = aquifers.create_group(aq_path + '/data') else: grp_data = grp['data'] data = aquif.data_dict() for att, data in data.items(): if att in grp_data: del grp[att] grp_data.create_dataset(att, data=data) return self def _load_hdf5(self, path, attrs=None, **kwargs): """Load data from a HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to file to load data from. attrs : str or array of str, optional Array of dataset's names to get from file. If not given, loads all. Returns ------- Aquifers Aquifers with loaded attributes. """ _ = kwargs if isinstance(attrs, str): attrs = [attrs] with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: self.set_state(**dict(f[self.class_name].attrs.items())) aquifers = f[self.class_name] for name, group in aquifers.items(): self._aquifers[name] = Aquifer(**{ k: v[()] for k, v in group['data'].items() }) return self def _dump_ascii(self, path, mode='w', **kwargs): """Save data into text file. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to output file. attr : str Attribute to dump into file. mode : str Mode to open file. 'w': write, a new file is created (an existing file with the same name would be deleted). 'a': append, an existing file is opened for reading and writing, and if the file does not exist it is created. Default to 'w'. Returns ------- comp : Aquifers Aquifers unchanged. """ # imort pdb; pdb.set_trace() with open(path, mode) as f: f.write('AQUANCON\n') for i, aquifer in enumerate(self._aquifers.values()): f.write( ( '{name}\t{i1}\t{i2}\t{j1}\t{j2}\t{k1}\t{k2}\t' + '{face} /\n').format( name=i, i1=aquifer.slices[0].start+1, i2=aquifer.slices[0].stop, j1=aquifer.slices[1].start+1, j2=aquifer.slices[1].stop, k1=aquifer.slices[2].start+1, k2=aquifer.slices[2].stop, face=aquifer.face )) f.write('/\n\n') f.write('AQUCT\n') for i, aquifer in enumerate(self._aquifers.values()): f.write( ( '{name}\t{depth}\t{initial_pressure}\t{perm}\t{poro}\t{compressibility}\t{r}\t' + '{height}\t{angle} /\n').format( name=i, depth=aquifer.depth, perm=aquifer.perm, poro=aquifer.poro, compressibility=aquifer.compressibility, r=aquifer.r, angle=aquifer.angle, height=aquifer.height, initial_pressure=aquifer.initial_pressure, ) ) f.write('/\n') return self
class Aquifer(BaseComponent): "Class representing specific aquifer object" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'SLICES' in kwargs: kwargs['SLICES'] = tuple(a if isinstance(a, slice) else slice(*a) for a in kwargs['SLICES']) super().__init__(**kwargs) def data_dict(self): """create dictionary with aquifer representation suitable for further serialization to hdf5 Returns ------- dict dict with aquifer data """ data = {} for att in self.attributes: if att == 'SLICES': d = np.array([ (s.start, s.stop) for s in getattr(self, att) ]) else: d = getattr(self, att) data[att] = d return data def crop_minimal_cube(self, slices): """ Modify aquifer cell inndices with respect to slices representing grid crop. Parameters ---------- slices : Iterable(slices) slices Returns ------- Aquifer Aquifer with changed well indices. """ new_slices = [] for slice1, slice2 in zip(getattr(self, 'slices'), slices): new_start = max(slice1.start - slice2.start, 0) new_stop = min(slice1.stop-slice1.start, slice2.stop - slice2.start) new_stop = max(0, new_stop) new_slices.append(slice(new_start, new_stop)) setattr(self, 'slices', new_slices) return self