Source code for deepfield.datasets.randomize

"""Tools for generating randomized datasets."""
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from ..field import Field, Rock, States, Wells

from .utils import get_config, STATES_KEYWORD

def _apply_uncorrelated_noise(arr, std):
    noise = np.random.randn(*arr.shape) * std
    return arr + noise

def _apply_correlated_noise(arr, std, freq):
    seeds = np.random.choice(
        [0, 1], size=arr.shape,
        p=[1 - freq, freq]
    std = std / freq * seeds

    noise = np.random.randn(*arr.shape) * std
    noise = gaussian_filter(noise, 1 / freq)
    return arr + noise

def _get_uniform_samples(*args):
    if len(args) > 1:
        return tuple(np.random.rand() * (arg[1] - arg[0]) + arg[0] for arg in args)
    return np.random.rand() * (args[0][1] - args[0][0]) + args[0][0]

def _noise_component(size, r):
    out = np.random.rand(size) * (r[1] - r[0]) + r[0]
    return out

def _const_component(size, b):
    b = _get_uniform_samples(b)
    out = np.zeros(size) + b
    return out

def _exp_component(size, a, v):
    a, v = _get_uniform_samples(a, v)
    l = np.exp(v)
    t = np.arange(size)
    out = a * np.exp(-t * l)
    return out

def _sin_component(size, scale, phi, minima):
    scale, phi, minima = _get_uniform_samples(scale, phi, minima)
    t = np.arange(size)
    out = np.sin(scale * t + phi)
    out = (1 + out) * (1 - minima) / 2 + minima
    return out

class AttrRandomizer:
    """Baseclass for attribute randomization."""
    def __init__(self, associated_class, **kwargs):
        for key, arg in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, key, arg)
        self.associated_class = associated_class

    def __call__(self, attr, **kwargs):
        """Get randomized version of attr."""
        if attr.__class__ != self.associated_class:
            raise ValueError('Can randomize instances of %s class. Found: %s' % (self.associated_class, attr.__class__))
        return self._randomize_attr(attr, **kwargs)

    def _randomize_attr(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError('Abstract method.')

[docs]class ControlRandomizer(AttrRandomizer): """Randomizer for control attributes (works inplace!).""" def __init__(self, attr_to_vary='BHPT', equality_condition=None, exp_amp=(70, 250), exp_log_curv=(-6, -4), const=(1, 10), sin_scale=(0.001, 0.02), sin_phi=(0, 2 * np.pi), sin_minima=(0.6, 0.8), noise_range=(0, 0)): """ Parameters ---------- attr_to_vary: str Attribute name to vary (should be represented in well's events) """ kwargs = dict(attr_to_vary=attr_to_vary, equality_condition=equality_condition, exp_amp=exp_amp, exp_log_curv=exp_log_curv, const=const, sin_scale=sin_scale, sin_phi=sin_phi, sin_minima=sin_minima, noise_range=noise_range) super().__init__(associated_class=Wells, **kwargs) def _randomize_attr(self, wells, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- wells: deepfield.field.Wells Returns ------- out: deepfield.field.Wells Wells with randomized events. """ _ = kwargs attr = self.attr_to_vary exp_amp, exp_curv = self.exp_amp, self.exp_log_curv const = self.const sin_scale, sin_phi, sin_minima = self.sin_scale, self.sin_phi, self.sin_minima noise_range = self.noise_range def sampler(size): e = _exp_component(size, exp_amp, exp_curv) c = _const_component(size, const) s = _sin_component(size, sin_scale, sin_phi, sin_minima) eps = _noise_component(size, noise_range) out = e * s + c + eps return out clip_min = 0 clip_max = None kwargs = {'additive': False, 'clip': (clip_min, clip_max), 'equality_condition': self.equality_condition, attr: sampler} wells.randomize_events(**kwargs) return wells
[docs]class StatesRandomizer(AttrRandomizer): """Randomizer for states attributes""" def __init__(self, std_reference_func=np.max, std_amplitude=0.01, uncorrelated_noise=False, correlated_noise_freq=0.1, inplace=False): """ Parameters ---------- std_reference_func: callable Reference function used to calculate standard deviation of randomization Output of this function will be multiplied by std_amplitude and this value will be used as std. std_amplitude: float Multiplier for output of std_reference_func. The result of multiplication will be used as std of randomization. uncorrelated_noise: bool If False, correlated noise will be applied. inplace: bool """ kwargs = dict(std_reference_func=std_reference_func, std_amplitude=std_amplitude, uncorrelated_noise=uncorrelated_noise, inplace=inplace, correlated_noise_freq=correlated_noise_freq, sat_attrs=('SOIL', 'SWAT', 'SGAS')) super().__init__(associated_class=States, **kwargs) def _randomize_attr(self, states, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- states: deepfield.field.States Returns ------- out: deepfield.field.States Randomized states. """ actnum = kwargs['actnum'] noisy_states = self._apply_noise(states, actnum) if not self.inplace: states = States() for attr, arr in noisy_states.items(): setattr(states, attr, arr) return states def _apply_noise(self, states, actnum): noisy_states = {} for attr in states.attributes: arr = getattr(states, attr) std = self.std_reference_func(arr) * self.std_amplitude if self.uncorrelated_noise: arr = _apply_uncorrelated_noise(arr, std) else: arr = _apply_correlated_noise(arr, std, self.correlated_noise_freq) clip_min = 1 if attr == 'PRESSURE' else 0 clip_max = 1 if attr in self.sat_attrs else None arr = np.clip(arr, a_min=clip_min, a_max=clip_max) arr *= actnum noisy_states[attr] = arr noisy_states = self._normalize_saturations(noisy_states) return noisy_states def _normalize_saturations(self, states): sat_attrs = [attr for attr in self.sat_attrs if attr in states] if len(sat_attrs) > 1: sat_denominator = np.sum( [states[attr] for attr in sat_attrs], axis=0 ) for attr in sat_attrs: states[attr] = np.divide(states[attr], sat_denominator, out=np.zeros_like(states[attr]), where=sat_denominator != 0) return states
[docs]class RockRandomizer(AttrRandomizer): """Randomizer for rock attributes.""" def __init__(self, std_reference_func=np.max, std_amplitude=0.01, uncorrelated_noise=False, correlated_noise_freq=0.1, inplace=False): """ Parameters ---------- std_reference_func: callable Reference function used to calculate standard deviation of randomization Output of this function will be multiplied by std_amplitude and this value will be used as std. std_amplitude: float Multiplier for output of std_reference_func. The result of multiplication will be used as std of randomization. uncorrelated_noise: bool If False, correlated noise will be applied. inplace: bool """ kwargs = dict(std_reference_func=std_reference_func, std_amplitude=std_amplitude, uncorrelated_noise=uncorrelated_noise, inplace=inplace, correlated_noise_freq=correlated_noise_freq) super().__init__(associated_class=Rock, **kwargs) def _randomize_attr(self, rock, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- rock: deepfield.field.Rock Returns ------- out: deepfield.field.Rock Randomized rock. """ actnum = kwargs['actnum'] noisy_rock = self._apply_noise(rock, actnum) if not self.inplace: rock = Rock() for attr, arr in noisy_rock.items(): setattr(rock, attr, arr) return rock def _apply_noise(self, rock, actnum): perm_attrs = [attr for attr in ('PERMX', 'PERMY', 'PERMZ') if hasattr(rock, attr)] if perm_attrs: perm = getattr(rock, perm_attrs[0]) perm[perm == 0] = 1 relative_perm = {attr: getattr(rock, attr) / perm for attr in perm_attrs[1:]} else: perm, relative_perm = {}, {} noisy_rock = {} for attr in rock.attributes: if attr in relative_perm: continue arr = getattr(rock, attr) std = self.std_reference_func(arr) * self.std_amplitude if self.uncorrelated_noise: arr = _apply_uncorrelated_noise(arr, std) else: arr = _apply_correlated_noise(arr, std, self.correlated_noise_freq) clip_min = 0 clip_max = 1 if attr == 'PORO' else None arr = np.clip(arr, a_min=clip_min, a_max=clip_max) arr *= actnum noisy_rock[attr] = arr for attr, arr in relative_perm.items(): noisy_rock[attr] = arr * noisy_rock[perm_attrs[0]] return noisy_rock
[docs]class FieldRandomizer: """Randomization of Fields, based on some base model.""" default_states_rand = StatesRandomizer(std_reference_func=np.max, std_amplitude=0.01, uncorrelated_noise=True, inplace=True) default_rock_rand = RockRandomizer(std_reference_func=np.max, std_amplitude=0.01, uncorrelated_noise=True, inplace=True) default_control_rand = ControlRandomizer() default_randomizer = { 'states': default_states_rand, 'rock': default_rock_rand, 'control': default_control_rand, } def __init__(self, path_to_base_field, randomizer=None): """ Parameters ---------- path_to_base_field: std Path to the base-field used to randomize around. randomizer: dict Dict with instances of randomizers for states, rock and control (wells) Should have keys the following form: randomizer = { 'states': states_rand, 'rock': rock_rand, 'wells': control_rand, } """ self.config = get_config() self.config[STATES_KEYWORD] = {'attrs': self.config[STATES_KEYWORD]['attrs'], 'subset': [0]} self.base_path = path_to_base_field if randomizer is not None: self.randomizer = {} for key, def_r in self.default_randomizer.items(): if key not in randomizer.keys() or randomizer[key] is None: self.randomizer[key] = def_r else: self.randomizer[key] = randomizer[key] else: self.randomizer = self.default_randomizer def _load_model(self, path): """Load and unravel field model.""" model = Field(path=path, config=self.config, encoding='auto:10000', loglevel='ERROR') model.load(raise_errors=False) model.to_spatial() if 'wells' in map(lambda s: s.lower(), self.config.keys()): model.wells.drop_incomplete() model.wells.get_wellblocks(grid=model.grid) model.wells.apply_perforations() model.wells.add_null_results_column(column='WWIR') model.wells.results_to_events(grid=model.grid) return model
[docs] def get_randomized_field(self): """Get randomized field. Returns ------- out: deepfield.field.Field Field with randomized initial state, rock and control. """ field = self._load_model(self.base_path) kwargs = {'actnum': field.grid.actnum.astype(np.float)} for key, rnd in self.randomizer.items(): attr = key if key != 'control' else 'wells' if hasattr(field, attr): value = getattr(field, attr) randomizers = rnd if isinstance(rnd, tuple) else (rnd, ) for randomizer in randomizers: value = randomizer(value, **kwargs) setattr(field, attr, value) return field
[docs] def generate_randomized_dataset(self, root_dir, n_samples, fmt=None, title=None): """Generate dataset consisting of randomized fields. Parameters ---------- root_dir: str Path to the directory to create the dataset n_samples: int An amount of fields to generate fmt: str, optional Format in which fields will be dumped (with field.dump(fmt=fmt)) If None, fields will be dumped in tNavigator format. title: str """ if not os.path.exists(root_dir): os.mkdir(root_dir) fmt = ('.' + fmt) if fmt is not None else '' title = (title + '_') if title is not None else '' for i in range(n_samples): field = self.get_randomized_field() filename = title + str(i) + fmt path = os.path.join(root_dir, filename) if fmt == '': os.mkdir(path) field.dump(path=path, config=self.config, mode='w')